Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bawang Merah berkhasiat obat

Bawang Merah
(Allium cepa)

Sinonim :

Familia :
Amaryllidaceae (Liliaceae).

Uraian :
Herba semusim, tidak berbatang. Daun tunggal memeluk umbi lapis. Umbi lapis menebal dan berdaging, warna merah keputihan. Perbungaan berbentuk bongkol, mahkota bunga berbentuk bulat telur. Buah batu bulat, berwarna hijau. Biji segi tiga warna hitam. Bagian yang Digunakan Umbi lapis.

Nama Lokal :
NAMA DAERAH: Bawang abang mirah (Aceh); Pia (Batak); Bawang abang (Palembang); Bawang sirah, Barambang sirah, Dasun merah (Minangkabau); Bawang suluh (Lampung); Bawang beureum (Sunda); Brambang, Brambang abang (Jawa); Bhabang mera (Madura); Jasun bang, Jasun mirah (BaIi); Lasuna mahamu, Ransuna mahendeng, Yantuna mopura, Dansuna rundang, Lasuna randang, Lansuna mea, Lansuna Raindang (Sulawesi Utara); Bawangi (Gorontalo); Laisuna pilas, Laisuna mpilas (Roti); Kalpeo meh (Timor); Bowang wulwul (Kai); Kosai miha; Bawa rohiha (Ternate); Bawa kahori (Tidore). NAMA ASING: NAMA SIMPLISIA Cepae Bulbus; Umbi lapis Bawang Merah.

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
SIFAT KHAS Menghangatkan, rasa dan bau tajam. KHASIAT Bakterisid, ekspektoran, dan diuretik. PENELITIAN M. Jufri Samad, 1987. FMIPA Farmasi UNHAS. Telah melakukan penelitian pengaruh ekstrak umbi lapis Bawang Merah terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah normal kelinci. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, ternyata ekstrak umbi Bawang Merah dengan dosis 250 mg/kg bb, menyebabkan penurunan kadar gula darah normal sebesar 23,46 %. Pada pemberian tolbutamid dosis 250 mg/kg bb secara oral, menunjukkan penurunan kadar gula darah normal sebesar 22,21 %, dan pemberian air suling dengan takaran 5 ml/kg bb secara oral menunjukkan penurunan kadar gula darah normal sebesar 3,00 %. Tri Purwaningsih, 1991. FMIPA Farmasi UI. Telah melakukan penelitian efek protektif Bawang Merah pada kerusakan hati akibat karbon tetraklorida.Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, ternyata Bawang Merah menghambat peningkatan GPT plasma dan kerusakan jaringan hati akibat CCl4.

Pemanfaatan :
1. Batuk.
2. Haid tidak teratur.
3. Kencing manis.
4. Obat cacing.
5. Demam pada anak-anak (obat luar).
6. Perut kembung pada anak-anak (obat luar).

Umbi Bawang merah 4 gram
Daun Poko segar 4 gram
Daun Sembung segar 3 gram
Herba Pegagan segar 4 gram
Buah Adas 2 gram
Air 125 ml

Cara pembuatan:
Dipipis, dibuat infus atau pil.

Cara pemakaian:
Diminum sehari 1 kali, pagi hari 100 ml. Apabila dipipis diminum 1 kali sehari 1/4 cangkir. pil, diminum 3 kali sehari 9 pil.

Lama pengobatan:
Diulang selama 14 hari.

Kencing Manis
Umbi Bawang Merah (dirajang) 4 gram
Buah Buncis (dirajang) 15 gram
Daun Salam (dirajang) 10 helai
Air 120 ml

Cara pembuatan:
Dibuat infus.

Cara pemakaian:
Diminum sehari 1 kali 100 ml.

Lama pengobatan:
Diulang selama 14 hari.
Demam dan Perut

Kembung pada Anak-anak
Umbi Bawang Merah (potong tipis) secukupnya
Minyak Kelapa secukupnya
Minyak Kayu Putih secukupnya

Cara pembuatan:

Cara pemakaian:
Minyak tersebut dioleskan pada perut yang kembung, seluruh badan, kaki, dan tangnn pada anak yang demam.
Komposisi :
Minyak atsiri, sikloaliin, metilaliin, dihidroaliin, flavonglikosida, kuersetin, saponin, peptida, fitohormon, vitamin, dan zat pati.
sumber Ipteknet

Alang Alang Berkhasiat Obat

Alang Alang

(Imperata cylindrica (L.)Beauv.)

Sinonim :
Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo.

Familia :

Uraian :
Perawakan: herba, rumput, merayap, tinggi 30-180 cm. Batang: rimpang, merayap di bawah tanah, batang tegak membentuk satu perbungaan, padat, pada bukunya berambut jarang. Daun: tunggal, pangkal saling menutup, helaian; berbentuk pita, ujung runcing tajam, tegak, kasar, berambut jarang, ukuran 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Bunga: susunan majemuk bulir majemuk, agak menguncup, panjang 6-28 cm, setiap cabang memiliki 2 bulir, cabang 2,5-5 cm, tangkai bunga 1-3 mm, gluma 1; ujung bersilia, 3-6 urat, Lemma 1 (sekam); bulat telur melebar, silia pendek 1,5-2,5 mm. Lemma 2 (sekam); memanjang, runcing 0,5-2,5 mm. Palea (sekam); 0,75-2 mm. Benang sari: kepala sari 2,5-3,5 mm, putih kekuningan atau ungu. Putik: kepala putik berbentuk bulu ayam. Buah: tipe padi. Biji: berbentuk jorong, panjang 1 mm lebih. Waktu berbunga : Januari - Desember. Daerah distribusi, Habitat dan Budidaya: Di Jawa tumbuh pada ketinggian sampai dengan 2700 m dpl, pada daerah-daerah terbuka atau setengah tertutup; rawa-rawa; pada tanah dengan aerasi yang baik; pada daerah-daerah yang habis dibuka; di tepi sungai; ekstensif pada hutan sekunder; daerah bekas terbakar; sebagai gulma di perladangan; taman dan perkebunan. Tumbuhan ini dapat mempengaruhi tanaman kultivasi lain, karena kebutuhan natrium yang relatif tinggi. Perbanyakan: berkembang biak dengan sendirinya. Setiap saat rimpang dipanen dari tumbuhan yang telah matang. Rimpang yang baik berwarna pucat, berasa manis dan sejuk. Alang-alang dapat menuyebabkan penurunan pH tanah. Besarnya penurunan pH dan hambatan terhadap proses nitrifikasi menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif dengan pertumbuhan alang-alang.

Nama Lokal :
NAMA DAERAH: Naleueng lakoe (Aceh); Jih (Gayo); Rih, Ri (Batak); Oo (Nias); Alalang, Hilalang, Ilalang (Minang kabau); Lioh (Lampung); Halalang, Tingen, Padang, Tingan, Puang, Buhang, Belalang, Bolalang (Dayak); Eurih (Sunda); Alang-alang kambengan (Jawa); Kebut, Lalang (Madura); Ambengan, Lalang (BaIi); Kii, Rii (FIores); Padengo, Padanga (Gorontalo); Deya (Bugis); Erer, Muis, Wen (Seram); Weli, Welia, Wed (Ambon). NAMA ASING: Cogon grass, satintail (En). Paillotte (Fr). Malaysia: lalang, alang-alang. Papua New Guinea: kunai (Pidgin), kurukuru (Barakau, Central Province). Philippines: kogon (Tagalog), gogon (Bikol), bulum (Ifugao). Burma (Myanmar): kyet-mei. Cambodia: sbö':w. Laos: hnha:z kh'a:. Thailand: ya-kha, laa laeng, koe hee (Karen, Mae Hong Son). Vietnam: c [or] tranh. NAMA SIMPLISIA Imperatae Rhizoma; rimpang alang-alang.

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Rimpang: pelembut kulit; peluruh air seni, pembersih darah, penambah nafsu makan, penghenti perdarahan. di samping itu dapat digunakan pula dalam upaya pengobatan penyakit kelamin (kencing nanah, kencing darah, raja singa), penyakit ginjal, luka, demam, tekanan darah tinggi dan penyakit syaraf. Semua bagian tumbuhan digunakan sebagai pakan hewan,bahan kertas,dan untuk pengobatan kurap. EFEK BIOLOGI dan FARMAKOLOGI Infusa rimpang alang-alang berefek sebagai diuretika, atas dasar peningkatan konsentrasi elektrolit (Na,K,Cl) urin tikus putih jantan. Pemberian infusa akar alang-alang dengan dosis 40, 50, 60, 70 g/kgBB berefek antipiretik pada marmot. Infusa bunga alang-alang pada konsentrasi 10% dengan dosis 12 ml/ kgBB berefek antipiretik yang relatif sama dengan suspensi parasetamol 10% pada merpati. Uji Klinik: Dekokta akar alang-alang dengan dosis 250-300 g, 2 kali pagi dan sore dapat menyembuhkan 27 kasus dari 30 penderita nefritis akut. Pada nefritis kronis, herba alang-alang dapat mengurangi edema dan menurunkan tekanan darah. Dekokta herba 250 g dalam bentuk tunggal maupun dikombinasikan dengan rimpang dan daun Nelumbo nucifera dan daun Agrimonia pilosa dapat mengobati epistaksis (mimisan), hemoptisis (batuk darah), hematuri (kencing darah), menorrhagia, dan perdarahan gastrointestinal bagian atas. Di samping itu dilaporkan juga bahwa dekokta akar alang-alang dapat efektif untuk pengobatan hepatitis viral akut pada 28 kasus; biasanya digunakan bersama-sama dengan Plantago asiatica, Glechoma longituba dan tunas Artemisia capillaris. Toksisitas: Pada pemakaian sesuai aturan, praktis tidak toksik. Efek yang tidak dfinginkan: Pusing, mual, adanya peningkatan rasa ingin buang air besar, kadang-kadang terjadi pada penggunaan klinik. Teknologi Farmasi: Selulosa daun alang-alang mempunyai daya serap terhadap air yang relatif cukup baik dalam pembuatan tablet secara cetak langsung.

Pemanfaatan :
Hanya akarnya (rimpang) yang digunakan untuk pengobatan


Sebagai peluruh air seni:
49 buah rimpang kering, dipotong-potong kemudian ditambah dengan 2 gelas air dan dididihkan hingga volume air tinggal 1 gelas, disaring, kemudian diminum 2 kali sehari.

Demam karena buang air kecil berdarah:
1 sendok penuh rimpang alang-alang, rebus dengan beberapa potong tang kwe (daging buah beligu setengah matang yang dibuat manisan kering) dalam dua gelas sampai airnya tinggal separuh. Air ini diminum 2 gelas 1 hari. Air kencing akan normal dan suhu badan turun.

"Zwartwaterkoorts" (Bld):
Minum air rebusan akar alang alang sebagai teh.
Komposisi :
Akar: metabolit yang telah ditemukan pada akar alang-alang ter.diri dari arundoin, fernenol, isoarborinol, silindrin, simiarenol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol, skopoletin, skopolin, p-hidroksibenzaladehida, katekol, asam klorogenat, asam isoklorogenat, asam p-kumarat, asam neoklorogenat, asam asetat, asam oksalat, asam d-malat, asam sitrat, potassium (0,75% dari berat kering), sejumlah besar kalsium dan 5-hidroksitriptamin. Dari hasil penelitian lain terhadap akar dan daun ditemukan 5 macam turunan flavonoid yaitu turunan 3',4',7-trihidroksi flavon, 2',3'-dihidroksi kalkon dan 6-hidroksi flavanol. Suatu turunan flavonoid yang kemungkinan termasuk golongan flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi pada 3-0H, flavanon atau isoflavon terdapat pada fraksi ekstrak yang larut dalam etilasetat akar alang-alang. Pada fraksi ekstrak yang larut dalam air akar alang-alang ditemukan golongan senyawa flavon tanpa gugus OH bebas, flavon, flavonol tersubstitusi pada 3-0H, flavanon, atau isoflavon.
sumber ipteknet

Monday, April 27, 2009

Profitable Plants To Grow In Your Greenhouse

Author: Gerald Mason

Here are some profit making plants to grow in your greenhouse Philodendron and Pothos

It is truly hard to beat philodendron and pothos for planters or use as specimens. Philodendron cor datum is the one with the green heart-shaped leaves. Pothos' leaves are also heart-shaped but are marbleized. Southern growers can produce small plants in quantity for sale in markets, as well as florist shops, and at a price northern growers cannot hope to meet. But it may pay you to obtain stock and propagate your own small plants or grow them on and sell them as larger specimen plants.

Philodendron pertusum starts out with a complete heart-shaped leaf, and as the leaves mature they split into interesting designs. These plants are native to regions of torrential rains. Nature endows the leaves with these splits so the rain can pour through without injury to the leaf. The "adult" plants of this species are the ones we know as cut-leaf philodendron or Monstera deliciosa.

Because of the abundance of existing sources of supply, you would be wise to check carefully for potential business before you go heavily into production of pothos or philodendrons.

Pilea is ideal for the 2-inch pot sales. Grown mainly for foliage, it ranges from fernlike Pilea microphylla (or P. muscosa), the artillery plant, through P. involucaira (friendship plant) with crinkled bronze leaves, to P. cadieri, the so-called aluminum plant.

Ordinary potting soil meets the requirements of these plants. They grow rapidly in 60 to 70 degrees if kept thoroughly watered, and take medium light.

Propagate pilea through cuttings or basal shoots. Cuttings taken in late January will make salable plants by May.

From one mature plant of P. involucatra in a 4-inch pot, I was able to obtain fifty cuttings. This being a great favorite at plant counters, I sold my plants to the retailer for 25 cents each; the retail price was fixed at 49 cents each.

From Australia and Africa comes plectranthus, the spur plant. This rapid grower, a relative of coleus, is a real find for the 2-inch pot. There are a number of species, but only the one named Plectranthus Oertendahli is obtainable in America. This plant has hairy, silver-veined green leaves and red petioles; sprays of dainty mauve flowers decorate it most of the year. In my collection is an unidentified one having smooth, waxy green leaves that on warm humid days give off a fragrance like rose talcum powder. I hope some day to have sufficient time to propagate this unusual plant and distribute it. I think it deserves a place among the green trailers used in the indoor garden.

Plectranthus sets its own seeds. Sow these little spheres in any light soil mixture. Seed sown in January produces flowering plants by July, and you can prick them out of the flats and plant directly into 2-inch pots of porous soil. To insure a superior floral display your plectranthus plants should be fed dilute fertilizer at 10-day intervals after they have been potted for 6 weeks.

Prayer Plant
Of interesting foliage and growth habit is Maranta kerchoveana, the prayer plant. The leaves of soft green are blotched with dark brown. At night maranta folds its leaves upward as if in supplication-thus giving rise to the common name.

Grow this one in ½ peatmoss, ½ loam. Give it plenty of drainage and a warm greenhouse. Propagation is by plant division.

Rivina Humilus
Among the prettier of the rapid-growing house plants is white-flowered, red-fruited Rivina humilus, the rouge berry plant. Successive plantings of seeds or cuttings will give you plants with flowers and fruit for easy sale through the year. It is an especially good seller for fall and winter holidays. Seeds germinate in about 10 days, and the plants will flower and fruit 4 months after seed sowing-in 2 to 3 months from cuttings. A warm house of 70 degrees is to their liking; they grow in sun or slight shade. Symmetry can be produced by pinching out tips on older plants. Pot directly from the flat to 2-inch pots, a valuable time-saver.

Royal Poinciana
Although not strictly classed as a pot plant, the royal poinciana tree (Delonix regia or Poinciana regia) is so easily grown from seed into a ferny little shrub that it is a splendid subject for the dish garden. It will stay small enough for indoor use for some time.

Seeds resemble large beans. Plant them in any good soil; they pop up in a week or less. Their chief requirement is water; if you forget this, the leaves will fall all over the place. These plants have the intriguing habit of folding their leaves toward evening.

Pretty leaves, pretty flowers, and easy to grow that's Ruellia macrantha. With olive green leaves daintily marked in white and rosy-purple petunia-like blooms, it is a real eye-catcher. Propagate through cuttings inserted into light soil or other rooting media. Three or 4 months bring you plants ready for 2-inch pots. Flowers last several days; and ruellia becomes more beautiful if given monthly feedings of liquid fertilizer. Temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees, moderate light, and ordinary soil are the growth requirements.

Called sword plant or snake plant, this tough individual remains high on the popularity list with people who dislike the fuss and bother of caring for flowering plants. Sansevieria is also invaluable for poorly-lighted indoor areas. It grows in virtually any soil, in temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees. Improved forms of the old-fashioned snake plant are numerous. This, however, is another case of a plant in plentiful supply; so check your market first. One gardener made a considerable profit by selling these plants to residents of housing projects.

Many of these folks have indoor planters and, while they like to see something growing in them, they cannot afford the more expensive green plants. For such planters a combination of sansevieria, anthericum (spider plant), and Chinese evergreen is hard to equal. All these plants can be offered at a price these householders-mainly young people can afford to pay. Sansevieria propagates easily from 2-inch cuttings of the swordlike leaves.

Propagate both philodendron and pothos by tip cuttings or leaf-bud cuttings. They root rapidly in any soil in temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees, and grow best in somewhat shady areas.Terminal cuttings taken in February will produce 2-inch potted plants in about 3 months.

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Article Source: - Profitable Plants To Grow In Your Greenhouse

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Daun Jintan Tanaman Obat Indonesia

Plectranthus amboinicus (L.) Spreng.)
Sinonim :
Coleus amboinicus Lour. Coleus aromatica Benth.

Familia :
Lamiaceae (Labiatae).

Uraian :
Tanaman semak, menjalar. Batang berkayu, lunak, beruas-ruas. Ruas yang menempel di tanah akan tumbuh akar, batang muda berwarna hijau pucat. Daun tunggal, mudah patah, bentuk bulat telur, tebal, tepi beringgit, berabut, panjang 6-7 cm, lebar 5-6 cm, bertulang menyirip, warna hijau muda. Bunga majemuk, berbentuk tandan, mahkota bentuk mangkok warna ungu. Bagian yang Digunakan Seluruh bagian tumbuhan.

Nama Lokal :
NAMA SIMPLISIA Plectranthi amboinici Herba; Herba Daun Jintan.
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
SIFAT KHAS Pedas, menetralkan, dan membersihkan darah. SIFAT KHAS Pedas, menetralkan, dan membersihkan darah. PENELITIAN Ifiwati Wibowo,1992. Fakultas Farmasi, WIDMAN. Pembimbing: Dra. Dien Ariani L. dan dr. Irwan S. Telah melakukan penelitian daya antibakteri ekstrak Daun Jintan terhadap kuman gram negatif dari penderita infeksi saluran kemih. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, ternyata ekstrak Daun Jintan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri E. coli mulai konsentrasi 1,2 gr/ml dan bakteri P. mirabilis mulai konsentrasi 1,0 g/ml.

Pemanfaatan :
-Bayi muntah.
-Pencernaan tidak baik.
-Radang saluran kandung kemih.
-Sariawan perut.
-Sakit kepala.


Daun Jintan segar 7 helai
Air 100 ml

Cara pembuatan:
Dibuat infus atau diseduh.

Cara pemakaian:
Diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore, tiap kali minum 100 ml.

Lama pengobatan:
Diulang selama 14 hari.

Sariawan Perut (Panas Dalam)
Daun Jintan segar 1 gram
Daun Saga segar 3 gram
Herba Pegagan segar 3 gram
Daun Sirih segar 3 helai
Kulit Kayu Turi 4 gram
Air 110 ml

Cara pembuatan:
Dibuat infus atau dipipis.

Cara pemakaian:
Diminum 1 kali sehari 100 ml (infus). Apabila dibuat pipisan diminum 1 kali sehari 1/4 cangkir.

Lama pengobatan:
Diulang selama 7 hari.

Bayi Muntah
Kalau bayi sering muntah dan masih menyusui pada ibunya. Muntah tersebut disebabkan karena ibunya makan makanan yang amis seperti ikan, udang, dll.
Daun Jintan segar 2 helai

Cara pemakaian:
Untuk mengobati hal tersebut, ibunya sebaiknya mengunyah Daun Jintan dan cairannya ditelan.

Lama pengobatan:
3 kali sehari, pagi, siang, dan sore hari, tiap kali 2 helai Daun jintan yang masih segar.

Sakit Kepala
Daun Jintan segar 2 helai
Daun Legundi segar 2 helai
Rimpang Jahe merah 1 rimpang
Rimpang Bangle secukupnya
Air secukupnya

Cara pembuatan:
Dipipis hingga berbentuk pasta.

Cara pemakaian:
Dioleskan ke pelipis dan di belakang telinga. Bila ada, dapat ditambahkan minyak kelonyo.
Komposisi :
Minyak atsiri, mengandung fenol, dan senyawa kalium
sumber Ipteknet

Health Information on the Cumin Herbal Plant

The cumin herbal plant (Cuminum cyminum) was one of the most commonly used spices in Europe, particularly during the Middle Ages. Native to upper Egypt, the cumin herbal plant is characterized by its slender stem and unique branches. Cumin has long been cultivated in Mediterranean countries as well as in Iran, China, India and Arabia.

The Cumin Herbal Plant

The name "cumin" is a derivative of the Persian city of Kerman. The Persian pronunciation was "Kermun". This name evolved to "Kumun" and then to its present name, "cumin", in European pronunciations.

The cumin herbal plant is a herbaceous perennial that is a part of the carrot family, Apiaceae. The plant rarely exceeds one foot in height. The cumin herbal plant has deep green leaves that are divided into long, narrow segments. In the Northern Hemisphere, the cumin herbal plant produces its small, rose-colored or white flower in stalked umbels with four to six rays during the months of June and July. Its flowers contain the seeds that are the commonly used herb referred to simply as "cumin."

Today, the cumin herbal plant is grown commercially for use as a spice in Morocco, Egypt, India, Syria, Canada, the United States and Chile.

Cumin in History

The cumin herbal plant is mentioned in the Bible in the books of Isaiah and Matthew. The plant's herbal healing properties have also been mentioned by figures such as Hippocrates and Dioscorides. In addition, Pliny wrote that the ancient Greeks grounded up the cumin herbal plant's seeds to use as a medicine with bread and water or wine. These ancient Greeks noted that when cumin herbal seeds were smoked, they changed the pallor of the face, which is why Horace once exclaimed, "Ex sangue cuminum!" Some people think this is the reason the Greek believed that the plant was associated with Eros, the god of love.

Health Uses of Cumin

The cumin herbal plant is thought to be a stimulant with antispasmodic and carminative from properties. Herbalists used to tout that the cumin herbal plant has superior carminative properties (the ability to expel gas from the alimentary canal for colic relief) compared to fennel and caraway. However, many patients did not like cumin's flavor so its use as a carminative is now mostly confined to veterinary practice.

The cumin herbal plant seeds contain fatty oil with resin, mucilage and gum, malates and albuminous matter. The film that covers the seeds contains tannin, which explains the plant's historical use to prevent excessive flatulency caused by languid digestion. The cumin herbal plant has also been used as a treatment for colic and dyspeptic headache.

Sometimes the cumin herbal plant is mixed with other drugs to form a stimulating liniment for the treatment of wounds. It is applied like a plaster over wounds, stitches and a person's side when there is pain present believed to be rooted in the sluggish congestion of the body's indolent parts.
By Paul Ghossain Get more information on organic herbs online and other related topics at

Article Source:

Jintan Putih Tanaman Obat

(Cuminum cyminum, Linn.)

Sinonim :

Familia :

Uraian :
Jintan putih (cuminum cyminum) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering digunakan untuk memasak. Disamping itu, biji jintan putih juga digunakan sebagai pelengkap ramuan obat-obatan tradisional. Biji jintan putih memiliki aroma yang harum dan menarik. Jintan putih dapat tumbuh dengan baik di daerah yang beriklim sejuk, seperti misalnya di daerah india utara dekat kiaki pegunungan himalaya. Di indonesia meskipun dapat tumbuh, tetapi pada umumnya kurang baik. Jintan putih mempunyai batang kayu dan daunnya bersusun melingkar dan bertumpuk. Daun jintan putih mempunyai pelepah daun seperti ranting-ranting kecil. Bentukdaun jintan putih tidak berwujud lembaran, tetapi lebih mirip benang-benang kaku dan pendek. Warna dominan tumbuhan ini hijau dan bunganya berukuran kecil berwarna kuning tua ditopang oleh tangkai yang agak panjang.

Nama Lokal :
Jintan Putih (Indonesia), Jinten Putih (Jawa), Ginten (Bali); Jinten Bodas (Sunda), Jhinten pote (Madura); Jeura engkut, Jeura putih (Aceh), Jinten pute (Bugis);

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Sakit Jantung, haid tidak lancar, Sulit tidur, Jamu putri ;

Pemanfaatan :
1. Sakit Jantung
Bahan: 1 sendok the biji jintan putih, 1 siung bawang merah, 7
pasang biji kemukus, 6 lembar daun sirih;
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk bersama sampai
halus, kemudia ditambah 4 sendok makan air masak dan diperas
serta disaring.
Cara menggunakan: diminum pagi dan sore secara teratur.

2. Haid tidak lancar
Bahan:1 sendok the biji jintan putih, 2 biji cengkeh kering, ½ potong
biji pala, 1 rimpang kunyit, 1 buah kapulaga, 1 potong gula aren, 1
sendok makan gula pasir, 2 lembar daun srigading.
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut direbus dengan 2 ½ gelas air
sampai mendidih, kemudian di saring.
Cara Menggunakan:diminum lima hari sebelum tanggal haid.

3. Jamu Putri
Bahan: 1 sendok the biji jintan putih, 1 rimpang kunyit, 1 genggam
bunga delima.
Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk sampai halus
kemudian disedu dengan 1 gelas air dan disaring.
Cara menggunakan:diminum biasa

4. Sulit Tidur
Bahan: 1 sendok the biji jintan putih, 3 potong kangkung sayur, 2
lembar daun pegagan ¼ sendok makan ketumbar.
Cara membuat: Semua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 2
gelas air sampai mendidih hingga tinggal 1 gelas, kemudian disaring.
Cara menggunakan: diminum menjelang tidur.

Komposisi :
Biji Jintan putih mengandung unsur minyak menguap (terbang) sebanyak kurang dari 8%. Minyak menguap tersebut diperoleh dari biji jintan putih dengan cara disuling.

Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed?

This same question has driven mankind and filed the annals of history.

As recorded in the oldest Chinese medical text, Reshi is the 'King of Herbs', the superior herb for perpetual youth and longevity. Over 282 research documents have been published on the spectacular results of Ganoderma.

Known as Resish or Mannentake to the Japanese and Ling Zhi to the Chinese, Ganodema Lucidum is renowned for its medicinal properties.

Reishi often is associated with health and recuperation, longevity, wisdom, and happiness. It is believed that certain triterpenes and polysaccharides may account for the multiple activities of Reishi.

Thus, considerable time and effort has gone into the isolation and characterization of these compounds.

In ancient time, Reishi in Medicine was considered so auspicious that its medical efficacy has been attested to the oldest Chinese medical text (presumed to be over 2,000 years old). The book, which is known in Japan as 'Shinnoh Honsohkyo' is now accepted as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science. In it, 365 kinds of medicines are classified and explained. The medicines are basically classified into 3 categories.

1) 120 of them are declared to be 'superior' medicines.
2) Another 120 are classified as 'average' medicines.
3) He remaining 125 are placed in the 'fair' category.

The 'superior' medicines are called 'God's Herbs' and they are for perpetual youth and longevity, the medicines of the legendary wizards. The 'average' category medicines are those which can be taken as a tonic, and those in the 'fair' category are taken to remedy specific ailments. One must be careful about the volume taken of the 'average' and 'fair' category medicines, and should never take them continuously. However, the book states that for 'superior' medicines, any amount can be taken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavorable effects. Of the superior medicines listed in the text, Reishi was Rated Number One!

Reishi has long been known to extend life span, increase youthful vigor and vitality. Ganoderm Lucidum, with more 200 documented vital nutrients is the closest thing to nutritional perfection found in nature.

Reishi promotes good blood circulation by eliminating thrombi in the blood streams. As a result, the person feels renewed vitality. Deterioration of mind and body is arrested. Reishi is indeed a herb with multiple applications.

Ganoderma acts by increasing the number of so-called natural killer cells, one of several types of cells in the body's immune system.

Gano Excel owns the world's largest Organic Ganoderma Plantation in the world which incorporates an environment-friendly concept. The greenhouse maintains a sophisticated and modern technology, as proper cultivation methods and surroundings are essential in producing Ganoderma with high-therapeutic value.

So the answer to the question 'Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed' is a resounding yes. The body needs Ganoderma because many ailments are caused by the imbalance of body functions due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Ganoderma Lucidum helps the body remove the build-up of toxins and allows the body's natural immune system to strengthen itself.

About the Author:
Glenn Freiboth is a Writer for Many Health Related Issues and lives in Illinois. Get Products Rich in Ganoderma Lucidum at

Article Source: - Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed?

The Facts: Why Switching To Ganoderma Coffee Makes Sense

Author: John Tolmachoff

Ganoderma, or Red Reishi, Coffee might help to improve your health. Its biggest medical benefit is the way it strengthens your immune system. It can be considered a preventative medicine instead of a treatment for a certain disease.

Switching from your regular caffeinated coffee to Ganoderma makes sense due to its ability to improve the function of the immune system. It is said to help the body adapt to many types of body stresses such as trauma, sleep deprivation, temperature, exposure to toxins, psychological stress, infection, or radiation. It helps the organisms in the body return to a normal, balanced state after illness.

Red Reishi or Ganoderma coffee, acts as regulator that fine-tunes our immune systems. Its main purpose is to detect pathogens such as bacteria and other viruses that attack the body.

A compromised immune system can develop viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi that cause disease. Repeated use of common antibiotics, anti-viral agents, and anti-fungal medications can cause microbes to develop a resistance to the medications. Consuming red Reishi can eliminate these problems and is gaining popularity among many as an adjunct to combating the disagreeable side effects of radiation and chemotherapy associated with cancer treatment.

Red Reishi has exceptional anti-stress qualities that can help improve memory, reduce tension and sharpen your concentration. It is particularly helpful in the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers and dementia that affects the elderly.

Ganoderma or Reishi has been around for many centuries. Originally consumed by emperors and royalty as the a miracle herb, many westerners have overlooked it until recently.

Some of the many health benefits of Ganoderma are its antioxidant effects on the body, the positive effects on circulatory system and respiratory tract. It has been shown to lower high blood pressure, balance cholesterol levels and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis, asthma and other lung problems.

Scientist have studied Ganoderma use as a treatment for cancer, insomnia, arthritis, and many other diseases.

Used for years in Japan and China as a licensed medical treatment, Reishi is often used for its calming and sedative effects. Research among United States, UK, China and Japan prove the unparalleled benefits of this miracle mushroom when used in healing and holist health.

So what exactly is Ganoderma? Ganoderma Lucidum is the scientific name for a species of red mushroom cultivated and grown wild in Asia for thousands of years. The reishi mushroom has been expensive and hard to find in large quantities until recently. The Reishi mushroom only grows on one specific tree in Asia. Scientist are now cultivating the mushroom indoors. This mushroom has more than 200 active elements known to improve health.

Some other benefits of using or drinking Ganoderma coffee are:

1. Balances blood sugar levels and pancreatic functions.

2. Protects against skin cell degeneration, improving skins texture and reducing appearance of aging

3. Eliminates toxins accumulated in the body

4. Increases metabolism

5. Reduces fatigue

6. Contains anti-oxidants that inhibit damaging free radicals

7. Helps unclog arteries and supports liver function

8. Boosts energy

9. Improves the digestive system

10. Relieves sinus congestion and other respiratory problems

11. Rejuvenates body tissues and cells

12. Boost all body functions

13. Beautifies the skin by improving vitality

14. Effectively aids in the healing of skin wounds, scrapes, psoriasis, mouth ulcers, external bleeding, bug bits and stings.

Consuming Ganoderma coffee can help your body heal back to a balanced state while rejuvenating your skins youthful appearance. And there are no known side effects! No wonder the Chinese have regarded it for hundreds of years as the miracle herb!

About the Author:

John Tolmachoff is the editor of health related sites such as and Get a free $49.00 audio eBook as a gift at either one of these sites.

Article Source: - The Facts: Why Switching To Ganoderma Coffee Makes Sense

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jamur Kayu Tanaman Obat Indonesia

(Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.ex Fr.) Karst.)

Sinonim :

Familia :

Uraian :
Tumbuh saprofif pada batang kayu yang lapuk, tumbuh liar dan kadang dibudidayakan. Badan buah bertangkai panjang yang tumbuh lurus ke atas, topi dari badan buahnya menempel pada tangkai tersebut, bangun setengah lingkaran dan tumbuh mendatar. Badan buah menunjukkan lingkaran-lingkaran yang merupakan batas periode pertumbuhan, tepi berombak atau berlekuk, sisi atas dengan lipatan-lipatan radier, warnanya coklat merah keunguan, mengkilat seperti lak. Berumur beberapa tahun dengan tiap-tiap kali membentuk lapisan-lapisan himenofora baru.

Nama Lokal :
Supa sinduk (Sunda).;

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Sukar tidur (Insomnia), pusing, bronkhitis, asma, silicosis, hepatitis; Hipertensi, sakit jantung, sakit lambung, tidak napsu makan; Rematik;

Pemanfaatan :
Badan buah. Setelah dikumpulkan, dicuci lalu dijemur.

- Badan terasa lemah (Neurasthenia), pusing.
- Rasa lemah akibat sakit lama.
- Sukar tidur (insomnia).
- Bronkhitis kronis, asthma, silicosis.
- Hepatitis.
- Tekanan darah tinggi.
- Sakit jantung koroner (Coronary heart disease).
- Kolesterol tinggi (hipercholesterolemia).
- Sakit lambung (gastritis).
- Tidak napsu makan (anoreksia).
- Rematik sendi (Rheumatic arthritis).
- Menunda ketuaan.

Untuk minum: 3-15 g, rebus.
Pemakaian luar. Digunakan untuk pilek (Rhinitis).

1. Neurasthenia, sukar tidur, mimpi berlebihan:
3-10 g jamur kayu direbus, minum.

2. Hepatitis kronis, sesak napas (asma bronkhial):
1-2 g jamur kayu dibuat bubuk, seduh dengan air panas, minum
setelah dingin. Lakukan 3 kali sehari.

3. Manguatkan dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh:
Rebus 15 g ling zhi dengan 4 gelas air bersih dalam periuk tanah
sampai tersisa 2 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring dan airnya
ditambahkan 1 sendok makan madu. Aduk sampai rata, minum.
Sehari 2 kali, tiap kali minum sebanyak 1 gelas.

Ling-zhi adalah jamur yang dijual di toko obat dengan berbagai macam kemasan berupa potongan-potongan jamur atau yang sudah diolah seperti kapsul, tablet, sirop, tincture atau suntikan.
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Rasanya manis sedikit pahit, hangat, tidak beracun. Menguatkan dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, mencegah penyakit jantung, aphrodisiak, menambah napsu makan (stomakik), penenang (sedatif, obat batuk (antitusif dan menghilangkan sesak (anti-asthmatic). KANDUNGAN KIMIA: Ergosterol, coumarin, fungal lysozyme, asam protease, protein yang larut dalam air, asam amino, polypeptidase dan saccharida, serta beberapa macam mineral seperti natrium (Na), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), copper (Co) dan mangan (Mn).

Friday, April 24, 2009

Herbs Versus Prescription Drugs - a Comparison

Author: Robert

We all know of the negative side effects which some prescription drugs can cause. Indeed, many of these drugs have official recommendations for use no longer than more three months at a time (particularly with anti-depressants and other mood-altering prescription medications). Yet what do we know about the alternative; herbal supplements, and should we be ditching one for the other?

In one word: No.

For many years herbal supplements have been looked upon by medical professionals and much of the population alike as 'silly' and as a waste of time. Yet in recent years the medical industry has been sitting up and taking notice of some of the clinical evidence given that many herbal supplements are having a positive effect on our health. This doesn't mean that Doctors and drugs companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer should stop producing their medication made for prescriptions but rather that they should weigh up which will be more beneficial to the patient or to their medical condition.

There is no way of saying which is better out of herbal supplements and prescriptions drugs; each have their own merits and their own downfalls. Yet when it comes to deciding what to do about our own health there is something we can do. Try discussing your ideas about using herbal supplements with your GP. If they dismiss the idea but your condition is not severe then suggest you try out the supplement for a week and see what the effects are (for instance, using oatmeal scrubs twice daily for eczema instead of steroid creams which thin the skin). It's important to check out herbal remedies with a medical practitioner as there are some plants and extracts which can be dangerous to some patients.

Remember, what you do with your own body is your choice and when it comes to prescription drugs you don't always have to take them. It's a matter of common sense and if your condition isn't severe or life threatening then consider the side-effect-free, all natural herbal alternative before diving down to the chemist.

About the Author:

Lucia Halotova enjoys writing about health related topics and has written for a wide range of publications on topics such as fibromyalgia and depressions in recent years. She currently resides in New York City with her family and is a freelance writer.. Visit Herbal Supplements versus Prescription Drugs - Pros and Cons.

Article Source: - Herbs Versus Prescription Drugs - a Comparison

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bunga Matahari Tanaman obat Indonesia

(Helianthus annuus Linn.)

Sinonim :

Familia :

Uraian :
Herba anual (umumya pendek, kurang dari setahun), tegak, berbulu, tinggi 1 - 3 m, Ditanam pada halaman dan taman-taman yang cukup mendapat sinar matahari, sebagai tanaman hias. Termasuk tanaman berbatang basah, daun tunggal berbentuk jantung, bunga besar/bunga cawan, dengan mahkota berbentuk pita disepanjang tepi cawan, berwarna kuning, dan di tengahnya terdapat bunga-bunga yang kecil berbentuk tabung, warnanya coklat.

Nama Lokal :
bungngong matahuroi, bungka matahari, purbanegara; Bunga panca matoari, bunga teleng matoari, Sungeng; kembang sarengenge, kembhang mataare, bungga ledomata; kembang sangenge, kembhang tampong are; Xiang ri kui (China).;

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Hipertensi, Sakit kepala, Sakit gigi, nyeri menstruasi, reumatik; Nyeri lambung, radang payudara, Sulit melahirkan, Disentri, Campak; Infeksi saluran kencing, Bronkhitis, Batuk, Keputihan, Malaria;

Pemanfaatan :
Seluruh tanaman. Untuk penyimpanan: dikeringkan.

Bunga: Tekanan darah tinggi, mengurangi rasa nyeri pada sakit kepala,
pusing, sakit gigi, nyeri menstruasi (dysmenorrhoe), nyeri
lambung (gastric pain), radang payudara (mastitis), rheumatik
(arthritis), sulit melahirkan.
Biji: Tidak nafsu makan, lesu, disenteri berdarah, merangsang
pengeluaran rash (kemerahan) pada campak, sakit kepala.
Akar: Infeksi saluran kencing, radang saluran nafas (bronchitis), batuk
rejan (pertussis), keputihan (leucorrhoe).
Daun: Malaria.

Sumsum dari batang dan dasar bunga (reseptaculum):
Kanker lambung, kanker esophagus dan malignant mole. Juga untuk
nyeri lambung, buang air kemih sukar dan nyeri (dysuria), nyeri buang
air kemih pada batu saluran kencing, air kemih berdarah (hematuria)
dan ari kemih berlemak (chyluria).

Bunga: 30 - 90 gr.
Dasar bunga (Receptaculum): 30 - 90 gr.
Sumsum dari batang: 15 - 30 gr. rebus.
Akar : 15 - 30 gr.

PEMAKAIAN LUAR: Terbakar, tersiram air panas, rheumatik.

Bunga (Flower head) :
1. Sakit kepala:
25 - 30 gr bunga + 1 butir telur ayam (Tidak dipecahkan) + 3 gelas
air, direbus menjadi 1/2 gelas. Diminum sesudah makan, 2 x sehari.

2. Radang payudara (Mastitis):
Kepala bunga (tanpa biji), dipotong halus-halus, kemudian dijemur.
Setelah kering digongseng/sangrai sampai hangus, kemudian
digiling menjadi serbuk/tepung. Setiap kali minum 10-15 gr,
dicampur arak putih + gula + air hangat. 3 kali sehari, minum
pertama kali harus keluar keringat. (Tidur pakai selimut).

3. Rheumatik:
Kepala bunga digodok sampai menjadi kanji, ditempelkan ke tempat
yang sakit.

4. Disentri :
30 gr biji diseduh, kemudian ditim selama 1 jam. Setelah diangkat,
ditambahkan gula batu secukupnya, minum.

Akar :
1. Kesulitan buang air besar dan kecil:
15 - 30 gr akan segar direbus, minum.

2. Infeksi saluran kencing:
30 gr akar segar direbus. (jangan lama-lama, sewaktu baru mendidih,
diangkat), minum.

CATATAN : Sumsum dari batang dan dasar bunga berisi hemicellulose, yang menghambat sarcoma 180 dan ehrlich ascitic carcinoma pada tikus. Ekstrak dari sumsum dapat menghancurkan nitrosamine dan dapat untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan tumor saluran cerna (Tractus digestivus).

PERHATIAN : Wanita hamil dilarang minum rebusan bunga !
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Rasa lembut, netral. Bunga: Menurunkan tekanan darah, mengurangi rasa nyeri (analgetik). Biji : Anti dysentery, merangsang pengeluaran cairan tubuh (hormon, enzym, dll.), merangsang pengeluaran campak (measles). Daun: Anti radang, mengurangi rasa nyeri, anti malaria. Akar: Anti radang, peluruh air seni, pereda batuk, menghilangkan nyeri. Sumsum dari batang dan dasar bunga: Merangsang energi vital, menenangkan liver, merangsang pengeluaran air kemih, menghilangkan rasa nyeri pada waktu buang air kemih. KANDUNGAN KIMIA: Bunga : Quercimeritrin, helianthoside A,B,C , oleanolic acid, echinocystic acid. Biji : Beta-sitosterol, prostaglandin E, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, phytin, 3,4-benzopyrene. Dalam 100 g minyak biji bunga matahari: Lemak total: 100, lemak jenuh: 9,8: lemak tidak jenuh: Oleat 11.7 dan linoleat 72.9, cholesterol: -.
sumber ipteknet

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Herb Gardening Essentials - Gardener Guide

Author: Matthew Hick

Herbs are a greatly popular result of gardening - just as popular as flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits and vegetables. Herbs are used to spice up or add a nice spark of flavor to all types of food dishes. They are used for medicinal purposes as well as for their pretty flowers. These are just a few reasons why herbs are so popular among gardeners all over the world.

Have you ever reached for a spice when cooking only to realize you were out of it? Wouldn't it be nice to just go over to your plant and clip off what you need, instead of running to the store or doing without? You can have fresh basil, thyme, sage, chives, dill, rosemary or tarragon right at your fingertips from your very own herb garden.

Herbs can be annuals, biennials or perennials. Annuals will flower one season and then die. Biennials will live two seasons, flower one and then die. Perennials will die in winter but return to blossom each season. If you do choose perennials, make sure you plant them in a place they can be kept year after year.

Herb gardens need little space. You can plant them by seeds or plant clippings. Seeds should be planted in shallow boxes in late winter and can then be transplanted outdoors in spring. Soil is a determining factor of whether your herb garden will thrive or falter. Herbs will not grow in wet soil. So it is important you provide adequate drainage. If you do not have good drainage you can correct this by adding compost and sand to your soil, or digging out 15-18 inches of dirt and adding crushed stone under it to assist in this process.

Herbs also do not need much fertilizer. The more fertile the soil, the less foliage will occur and the resulting herb will have little flavor. There are also very few diseases and insects which will attack herbal plants.

Harvesting herbs should take place in the morning and only after the plant has enough foliage to maintain growth. When picked, they should be washed immediately in cold water. They can be used fresh or dried for winter use.

To dry herbs, after washing, hang until drops of water evaporate. Tie the stems together and place in a bag with the stems at the bag's opening. Close the bag with a rubber band and hang from a line in a cool, dry, dark place. Basements are too damp, so the attic is a better choice. After two to three weeks, remove herbs from the bag and crumble the leaves. Place in a shallow pan and put in an oven on the warm setting. When the crumbled leaves are crispy, store in glass jars or an airtight container in a cool place. They will be ready for you whenever you need them.

There are almost sixty different varieties of herbs to choose from when deciding on what herb to plant. Each variety comes with its own unique flavor. Cooking with herbs livens up bland foods naturally. Add some gusto to your life and use some of the herbs from your very own garden, next time you are preparing a meal.

About the Author:

More Herb Gardening Articles at Learn how to operate a Successful Adsense Website Network at Matthew Hick has been designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.

Article Source: - Herb Gardening Essentials - Gardener Guide

Rare And Exotic Garden Perennials For Landscape Planting

Author: Pat Malcolm

The term, 'perennial plant', means simply that the plant returns following severe freezes, to grow again the next year. Trees are cold hardy tested perennials by nature, some trees that are evergreens and do not go dormant, but merely slow down during various seasons, and other shade trees enter dormancy and shed the leaves. Tree growth of shade trees may stop altogether in extremely cold climates, but in the spring, will surge with buds that open to flower and leaf out.

Great difficulties arise in assigning a plant, 'perennial', mainly because the primary determining factor, temperature range varies from year to year; and every century extreme cold temperatures may erase certain plant populations that have survived in areas before for decades or sometimes even centuries. A perennial plant may be a survivor, thus a "perennial" for a given growing area, then suddenly may become extinct in that growing area. The USDA has constructed a zone map that reveals averages of temperatures reached by the location in your State. This map is a nursery tool used to predict whether a perennial will live (cold hardy) in your area.

Agaves are a diverse genus of over 200 species of rosette, spear-like, leafed evergreen perennials. Agave typically grows as low shrub-like plants in dry or well-drained soils of the Southern part of the U.S. from New Jersey down to Florida, and then West to California. Many Agave species, such as Agave americana or Agave tequilana, have sharp recurved, protective teeth running along both sides of the blade of its semi-curved, lance-shaped leaves, with a sharp needle-tip lance at the end. There are Agave species, like Agave attenuata, and Agave stricta, that do not have sharp-teeth at all, but are smooth. The color variations of Agave plants range from shades of green, to silvery-grey, bluish-green, top yellow or white stripes, such is the case with Agave americana 'media-picta'. The bloom of mother Agave plants are a beautiful array of pendulent bell-shaped, creamy-white flowers soaring high above the mother plant on a flower stem that may reach 20 feet or more for some agave species. The bloom period of a mother Agave plant is during the summer and the flower stalk is magnificent to behold, however, this event means the cycle of life ends for mother Agave and begins again for her Agave offspring. Agave plants are an excellent choice for rock gardens or well drained soils that lend themselves well to terracotta or cement planters. Agaves are fairly slow glowers so expect higher prices on these sunloving garden jewels at retail garden centers. Huge specimen agaves can be quickly delivered by semi-trucks. Recommended Agave cultivar plants are: Agave 'Victoria-Reginae'; Agave americana; Agave americana 'Marginata'; Agave americana 'Media-Picta'; Agave angustifolia 'Marginata'; Agave attenuata 'Boutin Blue'; Agave bovicomuta; Agave celsii 'Nova'; Agave colorata; Agave desmettiana 'Variegata'; Agave desmettiana 'Zebra Stripe'; Agave 'Felipe Otero'; Agave franzosini; Agave geminiflora; Agave lechguilla; Agave parryii; Agave parryii 'Compacta Variegata'; Agave potatorum 'Verschaffeltii'; Agave pygmaea; Agave salmiana; Agave stricta 'Pueblensis'; Agave 'Shark Skin'; Agave sisalana 'Variegata'; Agave toumeyana; and Agave tequilana 'Weberi Blue.'

The ancient Egyptians in 1500 BC grew the Aloe for healing, and while the Pharaoh held all the Jews in captivity, aloes were used as cosmetics and for the sacred healing power of this mysterious perennial. The Book of John, in the New Testament Bible, John 19-39, records that Jesus' body was wrapped in linen cloths and aloes after the corpse was removed from the crucifiction cross before burial. Aloes are evergreen perennial plants that grow as shub-like, climbing or tree-like plants. The aloe plant leaves are fleshly, succulent, long tongue-shaped groups of rosettes, or as star-patterned limbs. Most forms of the aloe, 300 species genus, have toothed leaf blades with soft to piercing hard teeth. Aloe saponaria and Aloe vera are the two most commonly found containerized aloes in homes and gardens. Aloe vera plant extracts have long been used by mothers on their children for fast relief for minor cuts and burns. Aloe saponaria is cold hardy down to freezing temperatures and is widely grown in Southern gardens for the beautiful, coral-colored, tubular blossoms and for the making of medicated soap. Most aloe plants are small, 1-3 foot tall and width, however, a few tropical aloe species, such as Aloe marlothii grow into large, 120 foot succulent trees. Aloe plant varieties may vary enormously in color from yellow, red to blue-greens, or to spotted or striped with random variegation. Recommended cultivars of Aloes are: Orange Aloe.(Aloe acutissima 'antaramorensis') ,Blue Aloe (Aloe acutissima) ,Aloe aristata 'Montana' Tree Aloe (Aloe bainsii) Aloe brevifolia Red Aloe (Aloe camronii) Climbing Aloe (Aloe ciliaris) Kokoerbom(Aloe dichotoma) Aloe distans 'Yellow Teeth'Aloe 'Dorian Black' Aloe ellenbeckii White Aloe (Aloe glauca) Aloe kedongensis Bergaalwyn (Aloe marlothii) Gold Tooth Aloe (Aloe nobilis) Tiger Aloe (Aloe nobilis 'Variegata') Aloe petricola Spiral Aloe (Aloe polyphylla) Coral Aloe (Aloe strata) SoapAloe (Aloe saponaria) Aloe traskii Medicinal Aloe (Aloe vera) Partridge Breast (Aloe 'Variegata') Aloe verdoorniae Aloe 'White Teeth'.

Fern plants are a beautiful landscape choice or a container perennial, because of the delicate graceful foliage. Fern plants are native to the U.S., and found growing on every continent on the Earth. Some ferns grow well as cold hardy plarts in some areas bordering arctic conditions. A gardener can find a fern perennial to buy in practically any nursery or mail order operation.

Florida tropical perennials are restricted for growing in many States, because of the lack of cold hardy resistance. Some gardeners prefer to plant Florida perennials in greenhouses, or to grow as an annual. Many recommended plants are: Desert Rose, Adenium obesum; Allamanda cathartica; Giant Yellow Shrimp, Barleria micans; Hallmark, Bulbine fruiticasa; Clerodendrum ugandense; Bleeding Hearts, Clerodendrum thomsoniae; Bat Faced Heather, Cupha ilvea; Sapphire Showers, Duranta erecta; Euryops; Bolivian Sunset, Gloxina sylvatica; Iochroma cyaneum; Jatropha integerrima; Ixora; Lantana camara; Orthosiphon stamineus; Pentas; Russelia equisetiformis; Russelia equisetiformis aureus; Stachytarpheta urticifolia; Stachytarpheta mutabilis.

Flowering Vine perennials grow fast to cover fences, lattices, walls, and not only offer rewards of flowers, but many interesting flowers in colors of red, blue, white, pink, and yellow. If planted and grown in the sun, the flowering vines require little care of vine maintenance. Recommended flowering vines to plant are Coral Vine, Antigonon leptopus; White Coral Vine, Antigonon leptopus 'Alba'; Jekyll Island Vine, Bignonia capreolata; Tangering Beauty, Bignonia capreolata; Night Blooming Jasmine, Cestrum Nocturnum; Bleeding Hearts, Clerodendron thomsoniae; Lavender Trumpet Vine, Clytostoma callistegoides; Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens; Heart Vine, Ipomoea batatas; Chinese Jasmine, Jasminum polyanthum; Brazilian Firecracker Vine, Manettia inflata; Mailbox Plant, Mandevilla x Amblilis; Red Mandevilla, Mandevilla sanderi; Peaches and Cream, Mandevilla 'Peaches and Cream'; Pink Mandevilla, Mandevilla splendens; White Passion Vine, Passiflora; Blue Passion Vine, Passiflora x Alato-Caerulea; Red Passion Flower, Passiflora coccinea; Lady Banks Rose, Rosa banksiae; Blue Glory Vine, Thunbergia battiscombei; White Sky Vine; Thunbergia grandiflora; Confederate Jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides; Blue Wisteria, Wisteria sinensis; White Wisteria, Wisteria sinensis 'Alba';

Groundcover perennial plants are beautifully colored and fast growing, to keep soil erosion under control. Recommended groundcover plants are: Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow', Burgundy Glow; Allium tuberosum, Society Garlic; Arachis glabrata, Perennial Peanut; Ardisia japonica 'Variegata', Ardisia japonica 'Variegata'; Aspidistra elatior, Cast Iron Plant; Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata', Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata'; Apsidistra lurida 'Milky Way', Apsidistra lurida 'Milky Way'; Asystasia gangetica, Ganges Primrose; Curculigo capitulata, Palm Grass; Ficus repens 'Variegata', Creeping Fig Vine; Ficus repens 'Variegata', Ficus repens 'Variegata'; Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon', Chameleon; Liriope; Liriope muscari 'Big Blue', Border Grass; Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple'; Liriope muscari 'Super Green Giant'; Liriope muscari 'Variegata'; Liriope muscari 'Silver Dragon'; Lysimachia congestiflora 'Eco Dark Satin', Golden Globes; Ophiopogon intermedius 'Aztec'; Ophiopogon japonicus nana, Dwarf Mondo Grass; Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Ebony Knight', Black Mondo; Persicaria capitatum, Jump Seed; Persicaria microcephala, Red Dragon; Setcreasea pallida, Purple Heart; Setcreasea pallida, Pale Puma; Pseuderanthemum alatum, Chocolate Soldiers; Rubus calycinoides, Emerald Carpet; Scuttelaria longifolia, Red Fountain Sage; Spilanthese oleracea, Eyeball Plant / Toothpaste Plant; Trachelospermum asiaticum, Asiatic Jasmine; Tulbaghia fragrans, White Fragrant Garlic; Tulbaghia violacea, Society Garlic; Tulbaghia violacea 'Tricolor', Tricolor, Society Garlic; Vinca major 'Maculata', Periwinkle; Vinca major 'Variegata', Periwinkle; Vinca major 'Wojo's Gem'.

Herbacious perennial plants freeze during the winter, but return in the following spring to produce flowers of many colors and rare forms. Recommended cultivars are: Bee Balm, Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'; Blue Butterfly Flower, Clerodendrum ugandense; Blue Woodland Phlox, Phlox divaricata; Brunfelsia Pauciflora; Buckeye, Red, Aesculus pavia; Butterfly Bush, Buddleia lindleyana; Cestrum aurantiacum; Cigarette Plant, Cuphea micropetala; Clerodendrum bungeii; Cone Flower, Echinacea paradoxa; Cuphea 'Allyson'; Devil Star Lily, Clerodendrum puniculatum; Echinacea 'White Swan'; Echinacea purpurea; Firebush, Hamelia patens; Flowering Maple, Abutilion x hybridrum; Gaillardia 'Pin Wheel'; Lestrum fasciculatum 'Newellii'; Liatris spicata 'Blazing Stars'; Liatris spicata 'Floristan'; Lions Head, Leonitus leonarus; Obediant Plant, Physostegia virginiana; Orange Shrimp Plant, Justicia ovata; Orange Tongue Plant, Justicia leonardii; Phlox maculata 'Alpha'; Pink Tongues, Justicia carnea; Platycodon grandiflora; Plumbago auriculata 'Monott' PP7822; Princess Flower, Tibouchina urvillenana; Purple Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii 'Lochinch'; Red Cigar Plant, Sinningia sellovii;Red Prince, Weigela florida; Red Shrimp Plant, Justicia brandegeana 'Red'; Mouth of Hollywood, Rehmannia Elata; Rudbeckia hirta 'Becky Mix'; Ruellia brittoniana 'Katie'; Ruellia elegans; Scarlet Butterfly Lily, Odontonema cuspidatum; Shasta Daisy, Leucanthemum x superbum 'Alaska'; Shower of Gold Shrub, Galphimia glauca; Tecoma stans 'Yellow Bells'; Turks Cap, Malvaviscus drummondi; White Tongues, Justicia carnea; Yellow Creeping Jenny, Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'; Yellow Shrimp Plant, Justicia brandegeana 'Yellow'; Yellow Tongue Plant, Justicia aura.

Yucca is a genus of evergreen plants, with approximately 40 species that grow in dry, desert-like areas. However, this is a common misconception, because members of the Yucca family can be found growing in 30 of the States in America, from New Jersey, down to Florida, and west to California. Yuccas can be grown as small shrubs or yucca trees, up to 30 feet tall, depending upon the yucca species. Yucca has lance-shaped leaves growing in a rosette pattern, on a woody stem or trunk-like frame. Yucca plants may vary dramatically in color from shades of green, to white or yellow stripes, to blue-green hues, as with Yucca rostrata, a jewel for any garden. Most yucca plants are stiff and sharp pointed, like the Spanish Bayonet (Yucca aloifolia), while some yuccas have flexable soft leaves, such as Golden Garland Yucca (Yucca flaccida). The flower blooms of yucca grow in summer, and develop into a beautiful, creamy-white pendulum of bell-shaped flowers that tower 8 feet above the mother plant. Yuccas are very adaptable and are among the oldest living trees in the world. The Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia), Yucca filimentosa (Bear Grass or Adam's Needle) is among the most cold-hardy and widely grown varieties. The strong, stringy filament (fiber), that run a course from the needle tip, down the margin of the leaf, was used by native Americans for making into garments and possibly the treating of war wounds. The roots of Yucca were also used to make soap. The primary use for yucca plants in todays landscapes are for their ornamental beauty, like we find in Yucca flaccida 'Golden Sword', in terracotta pots or in ground landscape plantings. Some people use Yucca aloifolia 'Spanish Bayonet', Yucca treculeana 'Spanish Dagger', or even Yucca brevifolia 'Joshua Tree', as security hedges for their beautiful and exotically bazaar, stiff leaves, hence the nickname, "Burlars' Nightmare." Yucca plants are typicall sunlovers, growing in well drained soils, but are adaptive and often grow faster in moderately moist areas, such as the Southeastern U.S.. Recommended yucca cultivar plants are: Yucca aloifolia; Yucca brevifolia; Bear Grass, Yucca filamentos; Bright Edge, Yucca filamentosa; Golden Garland, Yucca flaccida; Golden Sword, Yucca flaccida; Ivory Tower, Yucca flaccida; Variegata, Yucca flaccida; Silverstar, Yucca elephantippes; Soft Leaf Yucca, Yucca recurvifolia; Spanish Dagger, Yucca treculeana; Rigida, Yucca rostrata; Linearis, Yucca rostrata; HesperYucca paviflora; Cordyline 'Baueri.'

About the Author:

Patrick A. Malcolm, owner of TyTy Nursery, has an M.S. degree in Biochemistry and has cultivated perennial plants for over three decades.

Article Source: - Rare And Exotic Garden Perennials For Landscape Planting

Keji Beling Tanaman Obat Indonesia

(Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl.)
Sinonim :
Strobilantes crispus, Bl. Sericocalyx crispus, (Linn.), Bremek.

Familia :

Uraian :
Keji Beling (Stachytarpheta mutabilis) adalah suatu jenis tumbuhan yang berbatang basah dan sepintas lalu menyerupai rumput berbatang tegak. Di Jawa tanaman ini banyak terdapat di pedesaan yang tumbuh sebagai semak. Batang pohonnya berdiameter antara 0,2 - 0,7 cm. Kulit luar berwarna ungu dengan bintik-bintik hijau dan apabila menjadi tua berubah menjadi coklat. Daun ngokilo berbentuk bulat telur, pada tepinya bergerigi dengan jarak agak jarang, berbulu halus hampir tak kelihatan. Panjang helaian daun (tanpa tangkai) berkisar antara 5 - 8 cm (ukuran normal) dan lebar daun kira-kira 2 - 5 cm. Tumbuhan ini mudah berkembang biak pada tanah subur, agak terlindung dan di tempat terbuka. 1. Syarat Tumbuh a. Iklim · Ketinggian tempat : 1 m - 1.000 m di atas permukaan laut · Curah hujan tahunan : 2.500 mm - 4.000 mm/tahun · Bulan basah (di atas 100 mm/bulan) : 8 bulan - 9 bulan · Bulan kering (di bawah 60 mm/bulan): 3 bulan - 4 bulan · Suhu udara : 200 C - 250 C · Kelembapan : sedang · Penyinaran : sedang b. Tanah · Tekstur : pasir sampai liat · Drainase : sedang - baik · Kedalaman air tanah : 25 cm dari permukaan tanah · Kedalaman perakaran : 5 cm dari permukaan tanah · Kemasaman (pH) : 5,5 - 7 · Kesuburan : sedang 2. Pedoman Bertanam a. Pegolahan Tanah · Buatkan lubang tanam berukuran 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm b. Persiapan bibit · Perbanyakan tanaman kejibeling dilakukan dengan stek. c. Penanaman · Stek ditanam pada lubang tanah yang telah disiapkan dengan jarak tanam 1 m x 1 m.

Nama Lokal :
Keji Beling (Indonesia), Ngokilo (Jawa);
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Tumor, Diabetes melitus, Lever (Sakit kuning), Ambeien (Wasir); Kolesterol, Maag, Kena bisa ulat dan Semut hitam;

Pemanfaatan :
1. Tumor
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: Ikan Asin, cabai, tauge, sawi putih, kangkung, nanas,
durian, lengkong, nangka, es, alkohol dan tape, limun dan vitzin.

2. Diabetes Mellitus
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: makanan yang manis-manis.

3. Lever (sakit Kuning)
Bahan: Daun Keeji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: makanan yang mengandung lemak.

4. Ambeien (wasir)
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: Daging kambing dan makanan/masakan yang pedas.

5. Kolesterol tinggi
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: makanan yang berlemak.

6. Maag
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 3 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: dimakan sebagai lalapan setiap hari dan dilakukan
secara teratur.
Pantangan: makanan pedas atau asam.

7. Kena Bisa Ulat dan Semut Hitam
Bahan: Daun Keji Beling mentah dan segar 1 lembar.
Cara Pemakaian: digosokkan pada bagian tubuh yang gatal hingga
daun tersebut mengeluarkan air dan hancur. Dilakukan 2 kali
setelah berselang 2 jam.
Komposisi :
Daun kejibeling mengandung unsur-unsur mineral seperti kalium, natrium, kalsium dan beberapa unsur lainnya.
sumber ipteknet

Tumbuhan obat Kembang Sore

(Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet)

Sinonim :
= Sida indicum, Linn.

Familia :

Uraian :
Tanaman ini dapat ditemukan dari 1-400 m dpl. Menyukai tempat terbuka seperti di hutan, semak, tanah kosong yang terlantar, kadang ditanam di pekarangan sebagai tanaman hias. Perdu tegak berumur panjang, tinggi 0,5-3 rn, pangkalnya kerapkali berkayu dengan ranting yang keluar dari bawah, berambut pendek dan rapat. Daun letak berseling, bertangkai panjang, bentuknya seperti jantung dengan ujung runcing, tepi bergerigi atau beringgit kasar, tulang daun menjari, panjang 3-11 cm, lebar 2,5-7 cm. Bunga tunggal dengan 5 daun mahkota berwarna kuning, diameter 2-2,5 cm, bertangkai yang panjangnya 2-6 cm, keluar dari ketiak daun dan mekar setelah tengah hari. Buah bentuknya seperti bola tertekan dengan tinggi 1,5 cm, penampang 2,5 cm, terdiri dari 15-20 celah yang berisi 3 buah biji berbentuk ginjal. Herba ini merupakan tanaman yang menghasilkan serat berwarna putih. Perbanyakan dengan biji.

Nama Lokal :
Cemplok (Jawa), Barulau, belalang sumpa (Palembang); Jeuleupa (Aceh), Kembang sore kecil (Maluku),; Gandera ma cupa (Ternate);

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Wasir, Bisul, Sakit Telinga, TB Paru (Bronkhitis), Kencing batu; Reumatik, Cacing keremi, sakit gigi, gusi bengkak, Demam, Diare; Kaligata, gondongan, Batuk, Sembelit, Kencing nanah;

Pemanfaatan :
Seluruh tanaman. Untuk penyimpanan, herba setelah dicuci bersih lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya, kemudian dijemur sampai kering.

Daun / seluruh tanaman:
- Pembengkakan saluran telinga yang menyebabkan rasa sakit,
pendengaran menurun atau teiinga berdenging (tinnitus).
- Demam, gondongan (epidemic parotitis).
- TB paru, radang saluran napas (bronchitis).
- Kencing sedikit (oliguria), kencing nanah, kencing batu.
- Radang kandung kencing, radang saluran kencing (urethritis).
- Diare.
- Bisul (furunkeo, kaligata (urticaria).
- Sakit gigi, gusi bengkak.
- Rematik.

- Batuk.
- Kencing nanah.
- Diare.
- Radang telinga tengah (otitis media).
- Wasir.
- Demam.

- Disentri. Sembelit. Kencing nanah, cystitis kronis. Cacing keremi.
- Bisul.

Untuk minum:
Seluruh tanaman: 15-30 g (bahan segar: 30-60 g), rebus.
Akar: 10-15 g, rebus.
Pemakaian luar: Daun dilumatkan sampai halus, untuk bisul dan koreng,

1. Wasir:
150 g akar direbus dengan air secukupnya sampai kental. Diminum
100 cc, sisanya diuapkan ke lubang dubur selagi panas.

2. Bisul:
1 buah biji kering digiling menjadi bubuk, lalu diseduh dengan 1
cangkir air panas, hangat-hangat diminum. Daunnya setelah dicuci
bersih dilumatkan dan tambahkan madu secukupnya, tempelkan
pada bisul.

3. Sakit telinga, pendengaran menurun:
60 g herba segar atau 20-30 buah dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan
daging tanpa lemak. Setelah dingin disaring lalu diminum. Lakukan
setiap hari.

4. Tuberkulose paru (TB paru) yang masih ringan:
30 g akar kembang sore, 30 g akar 1 lex asprelia, 15 g Mahonia
japonica, direbus. Setelah dingin disaring, dibagi dalam 3 bagian
untuk diminum habis dalam satu hari.

5. Kencing batu:
Herba direbus, dipakai untuk merendam tubuh. Untuk tapalnya,
ambil daun secukupnya, setelah dicuci bersih lalu digiling sampai
halus dan dipakai sebagai tapal pada pinggang dan kandung
kemih. Harus sering diganti, karena daunnya berbau busuk.

6. Rematik:
Rebusan herba ini dipakai untuk mandi atau sebagai kompres pada
bagian tubuh yang sakit.

7. Cacing kerami pada anak:
Biji digiling halus lalu digulung seperti rokok kemudian dibakar.
Asapnya ditiupkan kelubang dubur.

8. Sakit gigi, gusi bengkak:
Daun direbus, hangat-hangat dipakai untuk kumur-kumur.

- Hati-hati bila pemakai sedang hamil.
- Kasingsat (Cassia occidentalis)
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Manis, tawar, netral. Membersihkan panas dan lembab di dalam tubuh (antipiretik), melancarkan peredaran darah, anti radang, peluruh dahak dan peluruh kencing (diuretik). Daun: Manis, kelat, hangat. Akar: Manis, tawar, sejuk. Peluruh kencing, menenangkan organ paru (pulmonary sedative), masuk kedalam meridian ginjal. Biji: Peluruh kencing, laksans, peluruh dahak, aphrodisiak. KANDUNGAN KIMIA: Asam amino, asam organik, zat gula dan flavonoid yang terdiri dari gossypin, gossypitrin dan cyanidin-3-rutinoside. Biji mengandung minyak raffinose (C18 H32 O16).
sumber iptknet

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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Friday, April 17, 2009

What is Infertility?

Author: peterhutch

Many people may be infertile during their reproductive years. They may be unaware of this because they are not seeking to create a pregnancy. On any one occasion, the chance of pregnancy is just one percent. About one in seven couples in the United States are infertile. Age, lifestyle and physical problems can all contribute to infertility.

Infertility Cancer and its treatment may sometimes put female survivors at risk for infertility. Infertility means not being able to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy, usually after you have been trying for over a year. There are many different causes for infertility in cancer survivors. While it’s best to discuss your risk for infertility before treatment begins, there are still options for cancer survivors who may experience infertility as a result of cancer or its treatment.

Infertility affects approximately 10% of the population. Since infertility strikes diverse groups-affecting people from all socioeconomic levels and cutting across all racial, ethnic and religious lines- chances are great that a friend, relative, neighbor or perhaps you are attempting to cope with the medical and emotional aspects of infertility.

If you've been trying to conceive for more than a year, there's a chance that something may be interfering with your efforts to have a child. Infertility may be due to a single cause in either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that may prevent a pregnancy from occurring or continuing.

Infertility or possible infertility may affect you emotionally. If you want to have children, it’s perfectly understandable if thinking about being infertile makes you feel sad or upset. This document outlines the physical causes of infertility and options for survivors who may have difficulty having children. It does not explain how infertility can affect you emotionally, which is something you may want to discuss with a mental health professional.

Causes of infertility can be found in about 90% of infertility cases but, despite extensive tests, about 10% of couples will never know why they cannot conceive. Between 10 - 30% of cases of infertility have more than one cause. Male or female infertility each account for about 30 - 40% of cases. In men, sperm defects (their quality and quantity) are usually responsible. Female infertility is more complex.

Roughly one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to male factors and another one-third to factors that affect women. For the remaining infertile couples, infertility is caused by a combination of problems in both partners (about 13%) or is unexplained (about 10%). The most common causes of male infertility include azoospermia (no sperm cells are produced) and oligospermia (few sperm cells are produced). Sometimes, sperm cells are malformed or they die before they can reach the egg. In rare cases, male infertility is caused by a genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis or a chromosomal abnormality.

Infertility affects men and women equally. About one-third of the cases are due to a male factor, one-third to the female and the remaining to the combination of both partners. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors. For a woman to be fertile, her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional. To conceive a child, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union.

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Article Source:

Leonurus sibiricus

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Leonurus
Species: L. sibiricus
Binomial name
Leonurus sibiricus L.

Leonurus sibiricus, commonly called Honeyweed or Siberian motherwort, is a herbaceous plants species native from central western Asia, including China and Mongolia and Russia. It is naturalized in many other parts of the world, including North America.

Leonurus sibiricus is a herbaceous annual or biennial with upright stems that grow from 20 to 80 cm tall. Plants have long petioled basal leaves, that are ovate-cordate in shape. The leaves have toothed margins and are incised with deeply cut lobes. Typically one or a few flowering stems are produced from short tap-roots. The lower stem leaves are deciduous and wither away as the plants begin blooming. The petioles of the leaves, midway up the stems are 2 cm long. The flowers are produced in many flowered verticillasters, produced in whorls around the top half or more of the stem. The flowers are sessile with 8 mm long calyxs that are tubular-campanulate in shape. The corolla is white or reddish to purple-red, with an upper lip that is oblong in shape and longer than the lower lip. When flowering is done, brown oblong shaped nutlets are produced in good number.[2] Blooming occurs from July into late September, but when climate permits, flowering can occur year round.[3][4]

This species habitat within its natural range, is stony or sandy grasslands or pine forests.[5]

Leonurine is one of the active components of Leonurus sibiricus[6]

Alkaloids isolated from the plant include:[7]

* Leonurinine
* Leonuridine
* Stachydrine [1]
* Leuronurine
* Prehispanolone [2]
* Cycloleonurinine
* Leoheterin
* Preleoheterin


From wikipedia

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tanaman Obat Indonesia Ginjean

(Leonurus sibiricus L.)

Sinonim :
= L. artemisia (Lour.) S.YHU. = L. heterophyllus, Sweet.

Familia :
Labiatae .

Uraian :
Herba ini tumbuh liar di pinggiran kota, sepanjang aliran air, di semak-semak, kadang ditanam di kebun. Tanaman ini dapat ditemukan dari dataran rendah sampai 2.000 m dpi. Terna semusim, tumbuh tegak, berambut, tinggi 60-100 cm. Batang berongga, beralur, beruas, bercabang, warnanya hijau. Daun tunggal, bentuk menjari, tepi bergerigi, ujung dan pangkalnya runcing, panjang 4-12 cm, lebar 5-14 cm, letak berhadapan bersilang, warnanya hijau. Bunga tersusun dalam karangan semu yang terdapat pada ketiak daun. Kelopak bergigi tajam, warnanya putih atau lembayung. Buahnya buah kotak, beruang 2- 4, coklat kehitaman. Biji berbentuk segitiga, kecil, warnanya hitam. Akarnya akar tunggang. Yang dimaksud dengan herba leonuri atau I mu cao dan dikenal juga dengan nama chongwei adalah tanaman yang berkhasiat sama dari tanaman yang bernama L.sibiricus, L.heterophyllus, L.artemisia atau L. turkestanicus Kuprian.

Nama Lokal :
Padang derman, dendereman (Sunda), seranting (Sumatera). ; Ginjean, ginjeran (Jawa). gofu hairan roriha (Ternate), ; Laranga kohori (Tidore).;

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Haid tidak teratur, radang ginjal, bengkak, kencing berdarah; Rabun senja, radang mata, hipertensi, keputihan, terlambat haid;

Pemanfaatan :
Seluruh tanaman atau buah, pemakaian segar atau yang telah dikeringkan.

Seluruh herba:
- Haid tidak teratur (Menstrual irregularities).
- Tidak datang haid (amenorrhea).
- Nyeri sewaktu haid (dysmenorrhea), Haid terlalu banyak.
- Menghilangkan gumpalan darah setelah melahirkan (Post-parturn
- Radang ginjal (nephritis).
- Bengkak (edema).
- Kencing sedikit (oliguria), kencing berdarah (hematuria).
- Badan terasa lemah (General weakness).
- Tidak subur (infertility) pada wanita.
- Rabun senja, radang mata (conjunctivitis).
- Darah tinggi. Pengerasan pembuluh darah (arteriosclerosis).

- Tekanan darah tinggi.
- Keputihan.
- Terlambat haid.

Untuk minum:
Seluruh tanaman: 1-30 g,
biji: 5-15 g, rebus.
Pemakaian luar: Herba segar setelah dicuci bersih 1alu digiling halus, atau yang telah dijadikan bubuk, dibubuhkan pada borok dan radang kulit bernanah.

1. Haid tidak teratur, nyeri sewaktu haid, Peranakan (uterus) tidak
mengecil sempurna setelah malahirkan atau setelah dikuret
Ginjean dan Millettia reticulata masing-masing 60 g, dicuci dan
dipotong-potong seperlunya. Tambahkan gula merah secukupnya
lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 1/2 gelas.
Setelah dingin disaring, minum. Sehari 2 x 3/4 gelas.

2. Haid tidak teratur, darah haid berlebihan, perdarahan setelah
melahirkan, Peranakan tidak mengecil sempurna setelah melahirkan:
15-20 g ginjean dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai
tersisa 1 1/2 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, lalu diminum. Sehari 2 x
3/4 gelas.

3. Nyeri haid:
20 g ginlean kering dan 10 g Corydalis ambigua (yen hu so) kering
direbus dengan 3 gelas air bersih sampai tersisa 1 1/2 gelas.Setelah dingin disaring, minum. Sehari 2 x 3/4 gelas. Minum selama haid.

4. Radang ginjal akut (Glomerulonephritis akut) dan bengkak:
180-240 g ginjean segar setelah dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan
700 cc air bersih sampai tersisa 300 cc. Setelah dingin disaring,
minum. Sehari 2 x 1 1/2 gelas.

5. Badan terasa lemah dan tidak subur pada wanita:
30-60 g ginjean segar dicuci bersih, rebus dengan telur atau ayam.
Setelah dingin dimakan.

6. Peluruh haid:
10 g serbuk biji ginjean diseduh dengan 1 cangkir air panas,
tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu lalu diaduk sampai merata.
Setelah dingin diminum sekaligus.

- Herba leonuri tidak beracun, pemakaian lama lidak menimbulkan efek
- Buah beracun. Pemakaian sebanyak 30 gram dapat menyebabkan
keracunan dalam 4-6 jam. Tanda-tanda keracunan akan timbul dalam
12-48 jam setelah total pemakaian sebanyak 60-140 gram.
- Gejala keracunan buah: Rasa lemah seluruh badan, kaki sukar
digerakkan, rasa kering dan rasa sesak di dada. Pada kasus yang
sangat berat tampak keringat sangat banyak dan lemah tak berdaya.
- Wanita hamil dilarang memakai tanaman obat ini.
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Herba: Pahit, pedas, sejuk. Melancarkan sirkulasi, membuat haid menjadi teratur, peluruh kencing (diuretik), menghilangkan pembengkakan dan menciutkan rahim. Buah : Manis, sejuk, beracun. Biji: Manis, pedas. Memperbaiki penglihatan, peluruh haid (emenagog), peluruh kencing (diuretik), melebarkan pembuluh darah (vasodilator). KANDUNGAN KIMIA: 1. L.sibiricus: Leonurine, stachydrine, leonuridine, leonurinine, rutin, benzoic acid, lauric acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, arginine, 4-guanidino-1-butanol, 4-guanidinobutytic acid, sterol, stachyose, vitamin A dan potassium chloride. 2. L.heterophyllus: Leonurine A, leonurine B, stachydrine, lauric acid, oleic acid. Buah (Leonuri fructus): Mengandung leonurinine C10 HI4 O3 N2, alkaloid I,II dan Ill, oleic acid, linoleic acid dan vitamin A.