Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kayu Putih Tanaman Obat Indonesia
Sinonim :
= M. cajuputi, Roxb. = M. cumingiana et lancifolia Turcz. = M. minor Sm. = M. saligna B. = M. viridifolia, Gaertn. = Myrtus leucadendra, Linn, = M. saligna Gmel.
Familia :
Uraian :
Kayu putih dapat tumbuh di tanah tandus, tahan panas dan dapat bertunas kembali setelah terjadi kebakaran. Tanaman ini dapat ditemukan dari dataran rendah sampai 400 m dpi., dapat tumbuh di dekat pantai di belakang hutan bakau, di tanah berawa atau membentuk hutan kecil di tanah kering sampai basah. Pohon, tinggi 10-20 m, kulit batangnya berlapis-lapis, berwarna putih keabu-abuan dengan permukaan kulit yang terkelupas tidak beraturan. Batang pohonnya tidak terlalu besar, dengan percabangan yang menggantung kebawah. Daun tunggal, agak tebal seperti kulit, bertangkai pendek, letak berseling. Helaian daun berbentuk jorong atau lanset, panjang 4,5-15 cm, lebar 0,75-4 cm, ujung dan pangkalnya runcing, tepi rata, tulang daun hampir sejajar. Permukaan daun berambut, warna hijau kelabu sampai hijau kecoklatan, Daun bila diremas atau dimemarkan berbau minyak kayu putih. Perbungaan majemuk bentuk bulir, bunga berbentuk seperti lonceng, daun mahkota warna putih, kepala putik berwarna putih kekuningan, keluar di ujung percabangan. Buah panjang 2,5-3 mm, lebar 3-4 mm, warnanya coklat muda sampai coklat tua. Bijinya halus, sangat ringan seperti sekam, berwarna kuning. Buahnya sebagai obat tradisional disebut merica bolong. Ada beberapa varietas pohon kayu putih. Ada yang kayunya berwarna merah, dan ada yang kayunya berwarna putih. Rumphius membedakan kayu putih dalam varietas daun besar dan varietas daun kecil. Varietas yang berdaun kecil, yang digunakan untuk membuat minyak kayu putih. Daunnya, melalui proses penyulingan, akan menghasilkan minyak atsiri yang disebut minyak kayu putih, yang warnanya kekuning-kuningan sampai kehijau-hijauan. Perbanyakan dengan biji atau tunas akar.
Nama Lokal :
Gelam (Sunda, Jawa), ghelam (Madura), inggolom (Batak); Gelam, kayu gelang, kayu putih (Melayu), bru galang,; Waru gelang (Sulawesi), nggielak, ngelak (Roti), ; lren, sakelan (Piru), irano (Amahai), ai kelane (Hila),; irono (Haruku), ilano (Nusa Laut Saparuna), elan (Buru).; Bai qian ceng (China).;
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Reumatik, Radang usus, Diare, Radang kulit, Batuk, demam, flu.; Sakit kepala, sakit gigi, Ekzema, Nyeri pada tulang dan saraf; Lemah tidak bersemangat (neurasthenia), Susah tidur, Asma;
Pemanfaatan :
BAGIAN YANG DIPAKAI: Kulit pohon, daun, ranting, buah.
- Rematik.
- Nyeri pada tulang dan syaraf (neuralgia).
- Radang usus, diare, perut kembung.
- Radang kulit.
- Ekzema, sakit kulit karena alergi.
- Batuk, demam, flu.
- Sakit kepala, sakit gigi.
- Sesak napas (asma)
Kulit kayu: Lemah tidak bersemangat (neurasthenia). Susah tidur.
Untuk minum: Daun: 10-15 g, direbus.
Pemakaian luar: Kulit atau daun secukupnya digiling halus, untuk pemakaian setempat seperti alergik dermatitis, ekzema, luka bernanah atau daun segar secukupnya direbus, airnya untuk cuci.
1. Rasa lesu dan lemah, insomnia:
Kulit kering sebanyak 6-10 g dipotong-potong seperlunya, direbus
dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring.
2. Rematik, nyeri syaraf, radang usus, diare:
Daun kering sebanyak 6-10 g direbus dengan 2 gelas air sampai
tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, minum.
3. Radang kulit, ekzema:
Daun segar sebanyak 1 genggam dicuci bersih, rebus dengan 3
gelas air air bersih sampai mendidih. Hangat-hangat dipakai untuk
mencuci bagian kulit yang sakit.
4. Luka bernanah:
Kulit muda, sedikit jahe dan asam, dikunyah, Ialu ditempelkan pada
luka terbuka yang bernanah. Ramuan ini akan menghisap nanah
dari luka tersebut dan membersihkannya.
- Sulingan minyak dari daun dan ranting dinamakan minyak kayu putih
(cajeput oil), yang berkhasiat sebagai obat gosok pada bagian tubuh
yang sakit atau nyeri, seperti sakit gigi, sakil telinga, sakit kepala,
pegal-pegal dan encok, kejang pada kaki atau menghilangkan perut
kembung, gatal digigit serangga, luka baru, luka bakar, kadang
sebagai obat batuk.
· Minyak kayu putih yang murni, bila dikocok didalam botol, maka
gelembung-gelembung yang terbentuk dipermukaan akan cepat
menghilang. Bila minyak kayu putih dipalsukan, yaitu dicampur
dengan minyak tanah atau bensin, maka gelembung-gelembung yang
terbentuk setelah dikocok, tidak akan cepat menghilang.
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Kulit pohon: Tawar, netral. Penenang. Daun: Pedas, kelat, hangat. Menghilangkan sakit (analgetik), peluruh keringat (diaforetik), anti rheumatik, peluruh kentut (karminatif, pereda kolik (spasmolitik). Buah: Berbau aromatis dan pedas. Meningkatkan napsu makan (stomakik), karminatif, dan obat sakit perut. KANDUNGAN KIMIA: Kulit pohon: Lignin, melaleucin. Daun: Minyak atsiri, terdiri dari sineol 50%-65%, Alfa-terpineol, valeraldehida dan benzaldehida.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
9.606 Spesies Tanaman Obat Ada di Indonesia
"Hutan tropis yang dimiliki Indonesia sekitar 120 juta hektar. Di kawasan itu tumbuh spesies yang diketahui dan dipercaya mempunyai khasiat obat yang selama ini belum dimanfaatkan maksimal," kata Prof dr I Gusti Ngurah Nala dari Program Studi Ayurweda Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Hindu Indonesia (UNHI) Denpasar, Minggu (24/5).
Ia mengatakan, cahaya sinar matahari yang tersedia sepanjang tahun disertai curah hujan yang mencukupi memungkinkan tumbuhnya beraneka jenis tanaman obat-obatan berkembang biak dengan baik.
"Dari ribuan jenis tanaman obat yang ada, hingga saat ini belum ada hasil penelitian secara pasti berapa persen di antaranya yang sudah dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan taraf kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat," ujar Ngurah Nala yang juga guru besar Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana.
Prof Nala menambahkan, Indonesia yang memiliki ribuan jenis tanaman obat itu menerima permintaan dari sejumlah negara akan tumbuhan obat dalam bentuk simplisia, yakni bahan tumbuhan alami dalam keadaan kering yang belum diolah.
Permintaan tersebut setiap tahun terus meningkat dan kondisi itu mendorong para investor yang bergerak di bidang farmasi, obat tradisional dan jamu menangkap peluang tersebut dengan mengembangkan dan memproduksi obat-obatan sintetis, tanpa mengandung zat kimia dan efek sampingan.
Semakin majunya iptek, menjadikan alternatif bentuk olahan simplisia yang beredar di pasaran semakin bervariasi, antara lain dalam bentuk serbuk, tablet, pil, kapsul cairan, salep dan krim.
"Demikian pula produk olahan Indonesia menembus pasaran ekspor, antara lain Singapura, Malaysia, Hongkong, Korea, Jepang, Taiwan, India, Spanyol, dan Jerman," tutur Prof Nala.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Juvenile, Adults and Pregnancy Type Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that when the body does not produce enough insulin to break down sugar in the blood. One can get diabetic if he does not consume correctly or does not take care of the body.
Yet, heredity play a big role in diabetes as well. Any type Diabetes can involve several parts of the body causing serious health problems. It can cause blindness, amputation of legs, or feet.
The three type Diabetes:
1. Type 1 Diabetes.
2. Type 2 Diabetes.
3. Gestational Diabetes.
The three-type-diabetes, cause blood sugar levels to become higher than regular. Yet, they cause it in different ways. Type 1 is rare than the second type.
Most of diabetics countrywide endure from type 2, which happens as the body becomes unable to handle insulin properly. Over 95% of diabetics are type 2, which is insulin-resistant.
Type 1 - Juvenile Type Diabetes
As, Type 1 diabetes mainly occurs in kids and young adults it's called also juvenile diabetes. This type diabetes affects 5% of all diabetics.
This type diabetes happens as the body's immune system hits the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. As the body cannot turn blood sugar, or else glucose, into energy � either because it does not produce enough insulin or does not manage it correctly � diabetes will outcome. In the past, it was common that Type 1, the Juvenile Type Diabetes, only happens in children but recent research shows that it also can develop in adults.
This type-diabetes is treatable. Medicine, exercise and strict diabetes diet will be required to keep up health.
Adult-Type Diabetes - Diabetes Type 2
Some people develop a Diabetes Type � called secondary diabetes, Diabetes Type 2 This type diabetes is similar to type 1 diabetes, but adult-type diabetes - Diabetes Type 2 happens, as the body is not capable to respond to insulin normally.
The beta cells are not damaged by the immune system but by several other factors, such as cystic fibrosis or pancreatic surgery.
Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, nearly everyone people with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but insufficient to meet the body's needs.
Type Diabetes: Diabetes Gestational
Higher maternal women ages are to be expected to have the type diabetes-Diabetes Gestational. Additional important issues that cause diabetes: fatness and family records of Type 2 Diabetes.
A nationwide examination reveals that at the childbirth, approximately 4% of all pregnancies are usually complicated due to diabetes. Mothers diagnosed with diabetes for a long time, have fewer odds of transferring diabetes onto born babies.
Research found that the baby might develop diabetes after birth at anytime later in life.
In addition, having diabetes increases a mother's possibility of the following:
1. Preeclampsia, high blood pressure that happen while expecting.
2. Low glucose episodes, which can sometimes be deadly if not managed appropriately.
Luckily, these risks can be reduced by fine preparation and diabetes diet before the pregnancy, as well as early prenatal treatment, exercise and prompt care at the time of delivery.
Niche Article Directory:
During my pregnancy, I came to know that I had diabetes gestational. However, there are few subtle symptoms, which I did not particularly notice that help to diagnose diabetes gestational in its early stage.
On our site you'll get clear easy to read information about the causes and risks of Diabetes Gestational. You'll acquire knowledge, note the symptoms and know which questions to ask your physician.
At ">Gestational Diabetes Info center you will get helpful information about causes and risks of Gestational Diabetes. You'll acquire knowledge of prevention, note the symptoms and know which questions to ask your physician.
Diabetic Testing Supplies info
By: Michael Green
Dealing with diabetes is more than just having to pop a pill with the wish that the drug will keep the ailment at bay. restraining blood sugar is a must for a diabetic person so anything from the list of diabetic testing supplies that can watch sugar level can be a huge help in introducing slowly protective measures. The same happens when it comes to monitoring a diabetic person�s blood pressure level at any time of the day. For people with Type I diabetes, paraphernalia for insulin shots is significant. Blood sugar strips, BP monitors and insulin shots paraphernalia are but a few samples of the diabetic testing supplies that people with this Diabetic have to subscribe to.
in case you are wondering which product you would buy, it will be best to ask your doctor for advises first. Heedlessly purchasing supplies off the Internet is not a assurance that these products may or can work for you. Most of the available diabetic testing supplies are cheap � that fact is true. But these would need each day and continuous use. SomeFew of the more expensive products can be a great investments but only if the person with diabetes actually has a need for them. Additionally, the nature of diabetes that the person has dictates what kind of diabetic testing supplies that the person have to buy. For example, Type I diabetics may need each day insulin injections and would as a result need a host of paraphernalia in this regard. There are some people with Type II diabetes who may not need these at all. Again, a lot depends on the advises of your doctor.
a number of the more wide use monitoring devices available in diabetic testing supplies shops include: glucose test strips, glucometers (glucose meters,) lancets and monitor kits. These, but, are typically inter-dependent on the actual brand of the monitor kits. This means that glucose strips must be used for specific makers of monitor kits, and not otherwise. When it comes to testing accessories, diabetic testing supplies are every so often brand-sensitive as well. These include glucose monitor electronic logbooks and data cables and software. There are also branded glucometer batteries.
Other online diabetic testing supplies stores also sell other monitoring devices like blood pressure monitors and urinalysis test strips. Though, these diabetic testing supplies stores are most likely the best place to order all the necessary paraphernalia required for insulin injections like needles and syringes; insulin pens (also works as insulin syringes); cooler; pumps; skin wipes and the actual insulin supply. A brief interlude of caution, though. There are many kinds, consistencies and brands of insulin, so a doctor�s prescription should be available when purchasing online. Try not to substitute the prescribe insulin for something cheaper or easier to purchase, because these can severely influence your metabolism. Replacing other insulin paraphernalia are acceptable though.
Other products that can be bought in the diabetic testing supplies stores may consist of diabetic foot care products; diabetic (orthopedic) shoes; nutritional supplements; cookbooks and informational books about diabetes; incontinence diapers (for elderly patients) and also supplies and paraphernalia for pets that are diabetic as well.
Niche Article Directory:
Heinz Golz is the web site owner of The Diabetic diets .
Pre diabetic situation
By: Michael Green
What is pre diabetic?
The sickness already exists in a person, but has not yet been diagnosed. This is the moment to prevent diabetes from developing , through physical exercises, balanced diet and weight loss.
About a third of the people who have diabetes, do not even know that the have the pre diabetic situation..
The illness is at last uncovered by high glucose levels in the blood. Though, it actually had secretly existed for many years.
Is there any one in your family who has diabetes? Are you fat? Do you dislike physical exercises? Along with you, there are many others who are built in a high risk category with the likelihood of developing diabetes in the future.
What can you do about it?
Many new studies have proved that you can delay or even stop diabetes whilst still in the pre diabetic condition.
What is pre diabetic?
That is a condition of hidden diabetes that shows up a a number of years previous to the appearance of type 2 diabetes and happens roughly always before diabetes is diagnosed.
In the pre diabetic condition the sugar level is higher than normal but not high sufficient to diagnose the illness.
How common is the pre diabetic?
About 15% of the population is in the pre diabetic condition. As the most up to date studies show, in this state long term damage takes place in the cardio-vascular system. Studies has shown that taking action whilst the high sugar level stage may stop the break out of type 2 diabetes in the future. This is the exact time to adopt a healthy diet and to exercise; the two of them are syggested for diabetics.
What are the risk factors of developing pre diabetic ?
-Family history: brother or sister or parent with diabetes.
-Being chunky
-Lack of physical activity.
-A women who gave birth to an overweight baby (over 4 kg)
-Age: the risk increases above the age of 45 and especially over 65.
How would you recognize if you are pre diabetic?
There are 2 different tests your doctor can use:
The fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and the
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
If it will be found that you are pre diabetic, is it sure you will develop diabetes?
This is a grave condition, which can be dealt with , and must be under supervision.
You can in fact turn the clock back.
Studies has proves that it is probable to manage the pre diabetic and the diabetic by doing modifications in their diets and increasing their levels of physical activity.
Medications can reduce the growth of diabetes, but good diet together with physical activity are more efficient.
Thirty minutes of daily physical activity, with the correct diet and losing 5-10% of the body weight reduces the appearance of new diabetic cases by 58%.
Niche Article Directory:
Heinz Golz is the website owner of The Diabetic Diets .
How To Control Diabetes Naturaly-00-2167
By: M.G. Blanford
You can control diabetes. If you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes, the first thing you need to do is get a blood sugar monitor so that you can keep a record of your blood sugar. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, be aware that you can control diabetes.
Many people who are first diagnosed have a period of time where they are in denial. This is true believe me, I was for several weeks. Although Type II diabetes has become a national epidemic, many people refuse to believe that they could have this disease.
Many people who are not overweight or who do not eat a lot of sugar have also been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, like me. I was 6'2", weighed 200lbs, was celebrating my 45th birthday and had never been ill! It can strike anyone.
One of the best things you can do to control diabetes is to be aware of the Glycemic Index that is given to certain carbohydrates. Those with Type II diabetes are warned to stay away from certain carbohydrates such as;
1. Potatoes, highest ranked on the Glycemic Index
2. Corn Flakes, among highest ranked
3. White rice, among the highest ranked
4. White Bread, among the highest ranked
High glycemic foods take a long time to digest in the system of a diabetic. The glucose, or sugar, stays in the blood because the system of a diabetic is unable to process the refined sugars and flours. Being aware of which carbohydrates rank high on the Glycemic Index is just one way to monitor the glycerin, which is the amount of glucose in the blood. It is imperative for a diabetic to monitor their glycemia.
I must admit that Tony the Tiger and I were the TEAM when I was growing up. A bowl or two of Kellogg Frosted Flakes and a cup or two of milk in the morning made me feel GRRREAT!! But Who Knew? These are only two precursors to diabetes.
However, there are many Good Glycemic Index foods too!
Some of the foods that rate low on the Glycemic Index include most fruits and vegetables. Even though fruits and vegetables contain sugar, the sugars contained in these good glycerin foods digest into the system at a lower rate and also provide valuable nutrients to the diabetic.
Other good glycemic foods include wholegrain breads and pastas. If you or a loved one has Type I or Type II diabetes, you should switch to whole grain breads and pastas made from wheat flour. This can be tremendously helpful to anyone who wants to manage their glycemia as well as anyone who wants to follow such low carb diets. Basmati rice is also considered one of the good glycemic foods.
It is not a matter of eliminating carbohydrates when using diet to control diabetes, but understanding which carbohydrates rate high on the Glycemic Index. Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled by proper diet, monitoring blood sugar, and following doctors orders as far as medication.
The effect of the Glycemic Index on the body is that it allows diabetics to know which carbohydrates are the ones that can cause the most damage and those that break down easily in the system. The effect of the Glycemic Index on the body gave birth to some very popular low-carb diets such as The South Beach Diet and other diets that monitored carbohydrate ratings. The effect of the Glycemic Index on the body is crucial to anyone who wants to monitor their blood glucose level.
There are also some indications that it can be an inherited disorder. If you have a first degree relative who has diabetes, there is a very good chance that you may inherit this condition. You should bring this matter to the attention of your physician so he or she can do blood tests to determine if you are at risk for diabetes.
Exercise plays a very important role in controlling diabetes also. I was confused as are many diabetics as to the type of exercise I could do. I consulted my Doctor, who is a marathon runner, and his suggestion was to start running. Well, at 45 years old and no running experience, I didn't think that would be for me. However, I do like walks in the park with my two favorite women. What you do is up to you, just be sure to have fun!!
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Courtesy of: Content Poster
Diabetes and Depression - The Surprising Connection
By: Alice Saracho
In the early stages of a disease, in most cases, the body will give subtle hints signaling that something may be not quite right with it. One of the early signs of diabetes is a constant feeling of being tired and listless. You may find yourself easily becoming tired while doing tasks that formerly took you no effort whatsoever.
But even if you see your doctor because you suspect something is wrong, it can still be a shock to be told by your doctor that you have diabetes. You may go through a stage of denial and a stage of anger, but eventually you will come to acceptance of the fact that you do have diabetes.
In addition to its many physical symptoms, diabetes has some possible emotional one as well. Many people upon finding out that they have a grave illness will go through one or more preliminary bouts of depression. But with diabetes, there seems to be some additional psychological and physical link to depression. And, over the years researchers have documented a strong link between diabetes and depression.
A person diagnosed with diabetes increases the chance that he or she will develop depression by a hundred percent. There have been many peer group studies that show that. Even taking into account that the psychological stress of learning that someone has diabetes will account for a small amount of the depression, a two fold increase is a huge number.
To date, there have been no studies that identify exactly why there should be a link between diabetes and depression, but there are a couple of theories that may provide us with a clue.
One theory is simply that people with depression are more likely to develop diabetes. In other words, there is some common metabolic tendency in the bodies of people with depression that puts them at risk for diabetes and vice versa. But there may be a direct dietary causal reason as well. A depressed person, especially one not taking medication for his depression, is not taking care of himself normally. He has a tendency to eat more poorly, especially carbohydrate laden junk foods that have been shown to increase blood sugar levels. A depressed person will also typically exercise less. In combination, these two factors can lead to obesity which can lead to him being diagnosed as a type-2 diabetic.
A second theory is that diabetes itself is the spark. Studies have proven that diabetes causes the body's sugar levels to vary wildly. Researchers of depression also know that depression is directly related to the body having poor and erratic blood sugar control. Knowing this connection, it would come as no surprise that a high number of diabetes sufferers could also experience depression.
The crucial matter to keep in mind, however, is that many effective treatments exist for both diabetes and depression. Many doctors observe that when treating depressed patients with psychotherapy and/or medication, that their blood sugar levels are also improved. And, even though, its yet to be proven, it's probably true that successfully treating diabetic patients will simultaneously help with their depression.
Hopefully, realizing that depression is a possible side effect of diabetes will help diabetics to understand better why they are feeling the way they do and encourage them to seek out aid for their possible symptoms of depression as well.
Niche Article Directory:
Alice Saracho is webmaster and owner of On her site you'll find articles about diabets and other diabetes related topics.
Having PreDiabetes Does Not Mean That You're Doomed To Get Diabetes
By: Alice Saracho
Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose levels of a person are higher than normal but not quite high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Some doctors and medical journals refer to the condition as impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Whatever you call it, somewhere between 35 and 54 million Americans in the United States have prediabetes with the number increasing every year.
If you have prediabetes or IFG, you have higher than normal odds of eventually getting diabetes. In fact, it is often a pre-cursor to diabetes as a person nearly always has prediabetes before he gets diabetes. A person with prediabetes is also more prone to developing heart disease and strokes. The good news, however, is that if you have prediabetes and you begin life style changes involving better eating habits and more exercise, you have a good chance of staving off diabetes.
What does prediabetes mean for your body? It's a sign that the cells in your body are becoming insulin resistant. The body requires insulin in order to change sugar, starches, and other foods into glucose that the body can use. Without insulin, the body is unable to process the sugar. The sugar has nowhere to go and accumulates in the bloodstream resulting in high blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar level is constantly elevated, odds are that diabetes is present.
The majority of people with prediabetes have no idea that they have it. Because it has no signs, prediabetes has to be tested for. The test simple. It involves measuring the percentage of glucose in the bloodstream. The blood glucose level is tested both before and after eating. A person with normal levels of blood glucose will have results of lower than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A 100-126 mg/dl level of glucose before eating and a 140-199 mg/dl level of glucose after eating, is a sign of prediabetes.
Statistically, some nationalities such as Hispanics, African American, Asian Americans, Inuit, and Native Americans, are at a greater risk of being diagnosed with diabetes than others. Another risk factor is weight. An overweight person has an increased risk of prediabetes. Other risk factors are family history, high blood pressure or hypertension, and elevated levels of triglycerides. Elderly people are more likely to develop the disease as well. If you are near or over the age of 50, you should request that your doctor or health care specialist give you a blood glucose level test. Testing allows those at risk to be identified early enough for something to be done before its too late.
About 25% of every person with prediabetes comes down with diabetes within 3 to 5 years. Many of the rest advance to full blown diabetes within ten years. Even so, it's not inevitable that prediabetes will lead to diabetes. This is why early intervention is critical in preventing prediabetes from escalating to diabetes. Many times simple life style changes such as losing weight, eating less processed foods, eating more high glycemic foods, and starting a minimal exercise program are all that is needed to halt the disease in its tracks.
Niche Article Directory:
Alice Saracho is webmaster and owner of On her site you'll find articles about alternative treatment of diabetes and other diabetes related topics.
Do You Have Diabetes? Three Ways To Test
Over the years, diabetes has slowly become a major public health problem. Over twenty million people in the U.S. have diabetes, most of them with type 2 diabetes. With the federal government and insurance companies facing increasing medical costs of treating diabetes and its associated problems, there is a great incentive to begin identifying those at risk for diabetes before they actually develop this chronic disease.
One way of determining this is with different kinds of diabetes pre-screening tests. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which a person has excess sugar in the blood. You can't perform testing, however, by merely drawing blood and measuring the glucose levels. This is because a meaningful percentage of the populace has normal blood glucose levels during the day but elevated glucose levels as they eat throughout the day. Any valid test for diabetes has to take this into account.
Medical care practitioners use 3 primary text to determine if someone has diabetes. What they measure is how fast and efficiently your body is able to clear excess glucose from your blood stream. If the test reveals that you have relatively high glucose levels, it is a good indication that you have glucose intolerance, pre-diabetes, or diabetes. The 3 tests are:
1) Random or casual plasma glucose testing - the patient can be tested at any point in the day. According to the American Diabetes Association, if the test shows a casual plasma glucose concentration of 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), it has met the criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes.
2) Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) testing - often called the fasting blood sugar test due to the fact that the patient has to fast before the test is given. In this context, fasting means that the patient has not ingested food or drink, other than water, for at least 8 hours before the test. This test is probably most convenient for the patient when performed first thing in the morning after a night's sleep. The test measures blood glucose levels. The normal glucose level after fasting is about 100 mg/dl. If the glucose concentration is 126 mg/dl or more, a diagnosis of diabetes can be made . Monitoring of the blood glucose measurements goes on throughout the day. This test is very popular with insurance companies and health care providers because it's relatively inexpensive. This is also a standard test given to check for pre-diabetes.
3) Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) - The best and most comprehensive of the tests. It is more sensitive than the FPG test and can test for impaired glucose intolerance which the other two cannot. It's also the most expensive, making it the least popular with insurance companies and health providers. The test is performed two hours after orally taking 75 grams of glucose. A diagnosis of diabetes can be made if the blood glucose results show 200 mg/dl or greater.
It is possible that a test, for any number of reasons, can give a false positive and indicate that a person has diabetes when, in fact he doesn't. Because of this, if a test shows positive, it should be repeated to confirm the results.
Niche Article Directory:
Alice Saracho is webmaster and owner of On her site you'll find articles about the juvenile diabetes association and other diabetes related topics.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
10 Tanaman Ajaib Penurun Kadar Gula Darah
1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 200 - 250 miligram per hari
Gymnema SylvestreNama Hindi tumbuhan ini berarti ‘penghancur gula’, dan tanaman ini dikatakan memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan kemampuan mendeteksi rasa manis. Tanaman ini dianggap sebagai tanaman paling kuat untuk mengendalikan gula darah.
Kemungkinan besar, cara kerjanya adalah dengan meningkatkan aktivitas enzim yang membantu sel tubuh untuk menggunakan glukosa atau dengan merangsang produksi insulin. Walaupun belum ada penelitian intensif, tapi belum ditemukan adanya efek samping serius untuk penggunaan tanaman ini.
2. Pare
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 50 - 100 mililiter (3-6 sdm) jus per hari
Pare yang pahit ini dianggap mampu membantu sel menggunakan glukosa secara lebih efektif dan meredam penyerapan gula di dalam usus. Para peneliti di Filipina yang meneliti konsumsi pare kepada pria dan wanita dalam bentuk kapsul selama 3 bulan menemukan adanya penurunan gula darah, walaupun sedikit, tetapi konstan. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah masalah pencernaan, tapi tidak jelas apa.
3. Magnesium
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 250 - 350 miligram per hari
Kekurangan magnesium tidak jarang ditemui sebagai salah satu penyebab diabetes, bahkan gejala ini memperburuk kondisi gula darah dan resistansi insulin. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen magnesium dapat memperbaiki fungsi insulin dan menurunkan gula darah. Coba konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengkonsumsi insulin.
4. Prickly Pear Cactus (Daging buah kaktus)
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: jika dikonsumsi sebagai makanan, 150 gram rebusan kaktus per hari.
Buah matang dari kaktus ini mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh. Bentuk yang bisa ditemui adalah dalam bentuk buah, atau jus, atau bubuk. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa buah ini menurunkan kadar gula darah karena adanya komponen yang mirip dengan insulin. Buah ini juga tinggi kadar seratnya.
5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Asam Linoleat Gamma)
Fungsi utama: Mengurangi sakit saraf
Dosis umum: 270 - 540 milligrams sekali per hari
Asam Linoleat Gamma, atau GLA adalah asam lemak yang ditemukan dalam minyak bunga evening primrose. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita diabetes adalah orang yang memiliki level GLA rendah dalam darah, dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplemen ini dapat menurunkan, bahkan mencegah sakit di saraf yang muncul akibat diabetes
6. Chromium (Krom)
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan kadar gula
Dosis umum: 200 mikrogram per hari.
Mineral ini dianggap mampu meningkatkan kinerja insulin dan terlibat juga dalam metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Beberapa penelituan menunjukkan bahwa mineral ini membantu menurunkan gula darah, tapi hanya untuk mereka yang memang kekurangan krom.
7. Bilberry
Fungsi utama: Melindungi mata dan syaraf
Dosis umum: 80-120 miligram standar billberry extract per hari.
Saudara blueberry ini memiliki antioksidan kuat dalam buah dan daunnya. Antioksidan yang dinamai antosianidin ini, membantu mencegah kerusakan sel darah kecil yang dapat merusak saraf dan retina mata. Penelitian terhadap hewan menunjukkan adanya penurunan gula darah juga akibat konsumsi buah
8. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Asam Alpha Lopoic)
Fungsi utama: Mengurangi rasa sakit syaraf, dan menurunkan kadar gula darah
Dosis umum: 600-800 miligram per hari.
Disingkat ALA, bahan yang mirip vitamin ini menetralkan berbagai radikal bebas. Pembentukan radikal bebas adalah salah satu faktor peningkatan gula darah, dapat membuat kerusakan saraf dan berbagai masalah lain. ALA jg mampu membantu sel otot untuk menyerap gula darah. Di salah satu penelitian di Jerman, sekelompok peneliti memerika 40 orang dewasa yang mengkonsumsi ALA dan placebo. Di akhir studi selama 4 minggu, ditemukan bahwa ALA meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin sebanyak 27 persen.
9. Fenugreek
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 5 sampai 30 gram setuap makan, atau 15 sampai 90 gr per hari.
Biji-bijian yang digunakan sebagai bumbu masakan India ini mampu menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin, dan menurunkan kolesterol, menurut beberapa penelitian. Efek ini mungkin timbul karena tingginya kadar serat. Bijinya jg mengandung asam amino yang meningkatkan produksi insulin. Di salah satu penelitian terhadap fenugreek, 60 orang yang mengkonsumsi 25 gr bumbu ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik terhadap pengendalian gula darah.
10. Ginseng
Fungsi utama: Menurunkan gula darah
Dosis umum: 1-3 gram per hari dalam bentuk kapsul atau tablet, 3-5 mililiter dalam bentuk tincture 3kali sehari.
Dikenal karena kemampuannya yang mendorong sistem kekebalan tubuh, ginseng ini memiliki beberapa hasil positif mengenai diabetes. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa ginseng memperlambat penyerapan karbohidrat, meningkatkan kemampuan sel dalam menyerap glukosa, dan meningkatkan pelepasan insulin dari pankreas. Ditemukan juga di Toronto dalam suatu penelitian, bahwa ginseng mampu menurunkan kadar gula sampai 15-20 persen.
Tak ada salahnya Anda mencoba suplemen alami tersebut, tapi ada baiknya konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum mengonsumsinya. Jika tidak ada perubahan setelah satu atau dua bulan, hentikan dan jangan buang-bunga lagi uang Anda. Salam sehat! (kpl/wiedy/rit)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Daun Encok Tanaman Obat
(Plumbago zeylanica L.)
Sinonim :
= P. auriculata, Bl. = Tela alba, Lour.
Familia :
Uraian :
Tumbuhan obat ini berasal dari Sri Lanka, kemudian menyebar ke seluruh kawasan tropik, termasuk Indonesia dan kepulauan Pasifik. Daun encok tumbuh liar di ladang, di tepi saluran air atau ditanam di pekarangan sebagai pagar hidup dan tempat-tempat lainnya sampai setinggi + 800 m dpi. Perdu tahunan yang menaik, berbatang panjang, tinggi 0,6 - 2 m. Batang berkayu, bulat, licin, beralur, bereabang. Daun tunggal, letak berseling, bertangkai yang panjangnya 1,5 - 2,5 cm, pangkal tangkai daun agak melebar, memeluk batang. Daun bulat telur sampai jorong, panjang 5 - 11 cm, lebar 2 - 5 cm, ujung runcing, pangkal tumpul, tepi beringgit, pertulangan menyirip, wamanya hijau. Bunga majemuk dalam tandan yang keluar di ujung tangkai, kecil-kecil, berambut, berwarna putih. Buah kecil, bulat panjang, masih muda hijau, setelah tua hitam. Biji kecil, cokelat. Perbanyakan dengan biji atau setek.
Nama Lokal :
Daun encok, ki encok (Sunda), ceraka (Sumatera); Bama, godong encok, poksor (Jawa). kareka (Madura); Bama (Bali), oporie (Timor). ; Agni, chitra, chitraka (India, Pakistan),; Ceylon leadwort, white flowered leadwort (Inggris).;
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Rematik sendi, memar (lebam), keseleo, nyeri lambung, kurap, ; Kanker dan kanker darah.;
Pemanfaatan :
Indikasi Akar berkhasiat untuk mengatasi:
- rematik sendi, memar (lebam),
- keseleo, nyeri lambung,
- kurap, dan kanker darah.
Akar sebanyak 10 - 15 g, direbus selama lebih dari 4 jam.
Pemakaian luar, daun diremas lalu diletakkan pada bagian tubuh yang kena rematik, sakit pinggang, memar, kurap, kusta, skabies, sakit ke ala atau diletakkan di perut bagian bawah bila kencing kurang lancar. Saat menggunakan remasan daun ini jangan lebih dari 1/2 jam agar tidak timbul lepuh seperti luka bakar.
1. La Rematik
a. Siapkan segenggam daun segar, dicuci lalu ditumbuk halus.
Tambahkan air hangat seperlunya sampai adonan seperti bubur.
Gunakan untuk melumas dan menggosok bagian tubuh yang sakit.
Lakukan 2 kali sehari.
b. Siapkan daun segar sebanyak 15 g lalu dicuci bersih. Tambahkan
kapur sirih sebanyak 1 sendok makan. Carnpuran ini lalu ditumbuk
sampai lumat, kemudian dibalurkan ke tempat yang.sakit.
2. Sakit kepala
a. Siapkan daun encok secukupnya, lalu dipipis. Tambahkan sedikit
minyak kelapa sampai menjadi adonan seperti bubur. Letakkan di
pelipis dan bagian kepala yang sakit sebagai tapal. Cukup 30
menit supaya tidak terjadi lepuh.
b. Siapkan daun encok segar, lalu cuci bersih dan memarkan.
Oleskan minyak kelapa lalu layukan di atas api. Tempelkan di
belakang telinga.
3. Kencing kurang lancar
Ambil daun encok secukupnya, tambahkan adas pulosari lalu giling
halus. Gosokkan ramuan tersebut di perut bagian bawah, tepat di
posisi kandung kencing. Cukup 30 menit agar tidak terjadi lepuh.
4. Kanker darah
Siapkan akar daun encok, biji Livistona chinensis, Hedyotis diffusa
(rumput lidah ular) dan Verbena officinalis (verbenae berbalma bian cao), masing-masing 30 g, dan Spica prunellae (xia ku caol dari
tumbuhan Prunella vulgaris L.) 15 g. Akar daun encok direbus
terlebih dahulu selama 4 jam dengan air bersih secukupnya.
Tambahkan air bila air rebusannya.berkurang. Setelah 4 jam, baru
bahan obat lain-lainnya dimasukkan. Didihkan kembali selama 1/2
jam. Setelah dingin disaring, dibagi untuk 3 kali minum. Sehari 3
kali, masing-masing 1/3 bagian.
5. Kusta, skabies, dan kelainan kulit
Ambil akar daun encok, lalu cuci dan tumbuk sampai halus.
Tambahkan sedikit susu dan air sambil diaduk merata sampai
menjadi adonan seperti pasta. Oleskan ke bagian tubuh yang sakit.
- Perempuan hamil dilarang menggunakan.
- Bila timbul keracunan pada kulit, cuci dengan asam borat (boric acid).
- Daun hanya digunakan untuk pemakaian luar. Pemakaian luar juga
dibatasi selarna 1/2 jam. Terlalu lama menyebabkan timbulnya lepuh
seperti luka bakar.
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Daun encok bersifat pahit, tonik, dan beracun. KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Daun mengandung plumbagin, 3-3-biplumbagin, 3-chloroplum- bagin, chitranone (3-6-biplumbagin), dan droserone (2-hydroxy plum- bagin). Zat berkhasiatnya yang bernama plumbagin sangat beracun dan pada pemakaian lokal dapat menyebabkan kerusakan kulit berupa lepuh seperti luka bakar. Efek Farmakologis dan hasil Penelitian : Pemberian sari akar daun encok dalam alkohol 50% dengan dosis 100 mglkg bb dan 150 mglkg bb yang diberikan secara oral pada mencit betina, mempunyai efek antifertilitas dan abortivum (Sariati Sirait, Jurusan Farmasi, FMIPA USU, 1990).
Sumber Ipteknet
Friday, May 15, 2009
Teh Tanaman Obat Indonesia
(Camellia sinensis [L.] Kuntze)
Sinonim :
= Camellia bohea, Griff. = C. sinensis, (Linn.), O.K. = C. theifera, Dyer. = Thea sinensis, Linn. = T. assamica, Mast. = T. cochinchinensis, Lour. = T. cantoniensis, Lour. = T. chinensis, Sims. = T. viridis, Linn.
Familia :
Uraian :
Tanaman teh umumnya ditanam di perkebunan, dipanen secara manual, dan dapat tumbuh pada ketinggian 200 - 2.300 m dpl. Teh berasal dari kawasan India bagian Utara dan Cina Selatan. Ada dua kelompok varietas teh yang terkenal, yaitu var. assamica yang berasal dari Assam dan var. sinensis yang berasal dari Cina. Varietas assamica daunnya agak besar dengan ujung yang runcing, sedangkan varietas sinensis daunnya lebih kecil dan ujungnya agak tumpul. Pohon kecil, karena seringnya pemangkasan maka tampak seperti perdu. Bila tidak dipangkas, akan tumbuh kecil ramping setinggi 5 - 10 m, dengan bentuk tajuk seperti kerucut. Batang tegak, berkayu, bercabang-cabang, ujung ranting dan daun muda berambut halus. Daun tunggal, bertangkai pendek, letak berseling, helai daun kaku seperti kulit tipis, bentuknya elips memanjang, ujung dan pangkal runcing, tepi bergerigi halus, pertulangan menyirip, panjang 6 - 18 cm, lebar 2 - 6 cm, warnanya hijau, permukaan mengilap. Bunga di ketiak daun, tunggal atau beberapa bunga bergabung menjadi satu, berkelamin dua, garis tengah 3 - 4 cm, warnanya putih cerah dengan kepala sari berwarna kuning, harum. Buahnya buah kotak, berdinding tebal, pecah menurut ruang, masih muda hijau setelah tua cokelat kehitaman. Biji keras, 1 - 3. Pucuk dan daun muda yang digunakan untuk pembuatan minuman teh. Perbanyakan dengan biji, setek, sambungan atau cangkokan.
Nama Lokal :
Enteh (Sunda).; Pu erh cha (China), theler (Perancis), teestrauch (Jerman),; Te (Itali), cha da India (Portugis), tea (Inggris).;
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Sakit kepala, diare, penyubur dan menghitamkan rambut,; Kolesterol dan trigliserida darah tinggi, infeksi saluran cerna,; Kencing manis (diabetes melitus), mengurangi karang gigi.;
Pemanfaatan :
Daun teh berguna untuk mengatasi:
- sakit kepala,
- diare,
- penyubur dan menghitamkan rambut,
- kolesterol dan trigliserida darah tinggi,
- kencing manis (diabetes mellitus),
- mengurangi terbentuknya karang gigi (dental plaque),
- infeksi saluran cerna.
Daun teh kering sebanyak 4-7 g diseduh dengan air panas, minum sewaktu hangat atau setelah dingin. Pemakaian luar, daun segar dicuci bersih lalu digiling halus. Diturapkan pada luka berdarah, lalu dibalut.
1. Diare
Daun teh yang masih muda dan segar sebanyak 20 g dicuci bersih
lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air bersih selama 15 menit. Setelah
dingin disaring dan minum sekaligus.
2. Penyubur dan menghitamkan rambut
Air teh kental sebanyak 1 cangkir diembunkan semalaman.
Keesokan paginya air teh ini siap dipakai untuk membasahi kulit
kepala dan rambut sambil dipijat-pijat. Lakukan 1 kali setiap hari,
sampai kelihatan hasilnya.
3. Sakit kepala
Air teh kental 3/4 cangkir, diberi air jeruk nipis sebanyak 1 sendok
teh dan madu 1 sendok makan. Aduk sampai merata, lalu dinminum
sekaligus. Lakukan 2 - 3 kali sehari.
4. Mengurangi pembentukan karang gigi :
Kumur-kumur dengan air teh setelah makan.
5. Infeksi saluran cerna, kolesterol darah tinggi
Daun teh kering (teh hijau) sebanyak 7 g diseduh dengan air panas.
Biarkan selama 10 menit. Minum selagi hangat.
Keracunan kafeina kronis: Bila minum 5 cangkir teh setiap hari yang setara dengan 600 mg kafeina, lama kelamaan akan memperlihatkan tanda dan gejala seperti gangguan pencernaan makanan (dispepsia), Fasa lemah, gelisah, tremor, sukar tidur, tidak nafsu makan, sakit kepala, pusing (vertigo), bingung, berdebar, sesak napas, dan kadang sukar buang air besar.
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS : Daun berbau aromatik dan sedikit pahit. KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Daun mengandung kafein (2 - 3%), theobromin, theofilin, tanin, xan-thine, adenine minyak asiri, kuersetin, naringenin, dan natural fluoride. Tanin mengandung zat epigallocatechin galat, yang mampu mencegah kanker lambung dan kerongkongan. Setiap 100 g daun teh mempunyai kalori 17 kJ dan mengandung 75 - 80% air, polifenol 25%, protein 20%, karbohidrall, 4%, kafein 2,5 - 4,5%, serat 27%, dan pektin 6%. Biji mengandung saponin yang beracun dan mengandung minyak. Kafein mempercepat pernapasan, perangsang kuat pada susunan saraf pusat dan aktivitas jantung. Theofilin efek diuretik kuat, menstirnulir kerja jantung dan melebarkan pembuluh darah koroner. Theobromin terutama mempengaruhi otot. Dari hasil penelitian, flavonoid yang merupakan antloksidan polifenol pada teh mampu mernperkuat dinding sel darah merah dan mengatur permeabilitasnya, mengurangi kecenderungan trombosis, dan menghambat oksidasi LDL sehingga mengurangi terjadinya proses atherosklerosis di pembuluh darah yang selanjutnya akan mengurangi risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung koroner. Efek Farmakologis dan Hasil Penelitian : 1. Pemberian sari seduhan daun teh hijau dosis 10 x dosis manusia (0,54 g 1200 gbb) pada tikus putih jantan yang diberi kuning telur (1,25 g/200 g bb/hari) dan sukrosa (1,25 g / 200 g bb / hari), memperlihatkan efek penurunan kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, trigliserida dan berat badan yang ben-nakna dibandingkan dengan kontrol perlauan (p<0,05),>
Essiac - The Facts Behind The Controversial Herbal Tea Essiac
Renee Caisse was a Registered Nurse in Canada when she developed the recipe for Essiac, an herbal tea that has been used as an alternative cancer treatment for more than 80 years. But Nurse Caisse did not claim to have invented the recipe for Essiac.
In 1922, Renee Caisse met an elderly woman who told her an amazing story. The woman said she once had breast cancer, but it was cured by drinking tea made from certain herbs that grew in northern Ontario. Furthermore, she said the formula had been given to her by an old Native Indian healer -- a traditional medicine man.
Years later, when Ms. Caisse's aunt was diagnosed with cancer, Renee remembered the formula she had written down. With the permission of her aunt's doctor, Ms. Caisse brewed a batch of the herbal tea and gave it to her aunt. In her book, "I was Canada's Cancer Nurse," Caisse wrote that, after having been given up by the medical profession as hopeless, her aunt lived for 21 more years after being treated with her herbal tea. She said that her aunt's doctor was so impressed, he asked Caisse to use her formula on some of his other cancer patients.
Caisse went on to set up a clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, where she used Essiac to tread thousands of cancer patients. One doctor who was particularly impressed by Caisse's work was Frederic J. Banting, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 for the discovery of insulin. In her book, Caisse quotes Dr. Banting as saying "Essiac must actuate the pancreatic gland into normal functioning."
Nevertheless, the medical establishment continues to be skeptical about the efficacy of Essiac. It is against the law to claim that Essiac is a cure for any medical ailment, so the herbal tea is currently being marketed as a dietary supplement.
The esteemed cancer researcher, Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. reported that Essiac was tested in the 1970s at two well-respected cancer research institutes, both of which concluded that Essiac was not proven to cause any anti-cancer activity in animals. Nevertheless, Dr. Moss said, Essiac "remains worth investigating" for two reasons: on-going anecdotal reports of its usefulness and because the individual ingredients used in the Essiac formula have been proven to possess anti-cancer properties. The four herbs in the original Essiac formula are Slippery Elm inner bark, Burdock root, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the name Essiac comes from the backward spelling of Renee Caisse's last name.
Robert Scheer is a freelance writer and consultant for the Essiac Review web site For more information visit
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Chiropractic and Swine Flu
What could Chiropractic possibly have to do with swine flu? More than meets the eye in fact.
We all know that when you are sick, your immune system is the part of your body that fights off viruses and nasties with all its might. Therefore it would make sense to make sure your immune system is functioning optimally while swine flu is making its rounds (in fact, it should be optimal at all times but that's for a different article). So can Chiropractic help your immune system function at its best?
Sure it can! Studies show that being adjusted once per week can increase your immune system function by up to 400%
One of the most important studies about Chiropractic and the immune system was performed by Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University. It showed the positive effect that chiropractic has on the immune system for overall wellbeing and health.
On top of this we recommend several other self care tips below.
- Expose yourself to a minimal amount of media - Doom and gloom swine flu pandemic predictions cause fear, anxiety and stress which in turn affects your immune system function in a negative manner.
- Sleep - Make sure you are getting enough sleep. This is when your body does its best work. I don't need to tell you how much sleep you should be getting, only you know that.
- Toxins and drugs- Limit the amount of toxins and drugs that you ingest as this will put unneccesary strain on your body. If you smoke, now is a good time to give up. The lungs are the organ most affected by swine flu.
- Eat well - Fresh vegetables, fruit and water. Less processed and junk food. Need I say more?
- Exercise - If the gym or running along the seafront is not your thing, find yourselves a cheap 2nd hand rebounder and use it for 10 minutes a day to improve your fitness and health. The benefits on the immune system are numerous.
Feel free to check out Dr. McMinn, the preferred chiropractor in Brighton and please visit his Brighton chiropractor blog.
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Why You Want To Use Herbs Daily
To help your body heal itself naturally, and to optimize your daily health, here are 5 reasons why you should consider taking herbs and using herbal remedies daily.
1. Build Your Immune System. A healthy immune system goes a long ways toward keeping your body healthy. Herbal remedies help create and sustain a healthy immune system which helps your body fight off many common infections like the common cold, as well as cancer and other degenerative diseases. Some common herbs that help you build a stronger immune system are: * astragalus * ligustrum * reishi * nettle herb
2. Increased Energy. Unfortunately, today, we are bombarded with products and advertisers that lead us to believe that caffeine is what we all need to have more energy. But the fact of the matter is caffeine, in large amounts, consumed on a regular basis, does the exact opposite. It actually drains our natural energies, quickly, leaving us feeling poorly even disrupting our sleep. Herbal remedies offer a deeper, more natural, long-lasting energy. Here are some basic ways to increase your energy:
* Herbal energy boosters without caffeine. Natural energy herbs are effective in helping your body use more energy, more efficiently. Ginseng is a common and very effective energy-promoting herb.
* Kava, California poppy extract and chamomile tea are all muscle-relaxing herbs. Tension wastes energy and these herbs will help you release that tension and increase your energy.
Another great way to naturally release tension and help your body use its' energy more effectively and efficiently, is deep breathing and stretching exercises, including yoga.
* Avoid sugars. In addition to depleting deep energy from your body, sugars offer absolutely no benefits to your health.
3. Better Digestion. The key to better overall health and wellness is digestion. Good digestion supports your immune system, increases your energy and even helps your body detoxify and strengthen.
4. Heart Disease and Cancer. The leading cause of death in men and women, heart disease can be counter-acted with cardiovascular-protective herbs as well as immune boosting herbal remedies. One out of 3 Americans develops some form of cancer in their lifetime. Again, herbs that improve the immune system can help avoid the formation of cancer cells and remove them from the body. Used as a daily cancer protectant and immune system builder, the herbs listed above can help you regain and maintain better health.
5. Responsible Health Care. Perhaps the most important reason to use herbs daily is to take control of your own health and well being. Herbal remedies have been around for centuries and have been called the "people's medicine". They can be as simple as growing your own in pots or gardens. They can safely and effectively be used daily in a variety of different ways from teas and tinctures to cooking, bathing and even applying directly to the skin for direct absorption. Even though herbs from your garden are unregulated, they are still much safer, and often equally if not more effective, than most strictly regulated drugs marketed by doctors and sold by pharmaceutical companies.
For more information about herbs and herbal remedies, visit Moms Organic House today. Register to receive even more detailed insight and information into the world of organic living.
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Fat Burning Tips
By: Weight Loss
These fat burning tips will help you discover the secrets to losing weight. All those who are fed up with using different fat burning formulas will find this reading valuable. The fat burning process is a combination of a balanced diet and exercises.
It is important to note here that all individuals are different, so different tips will show different results in people. The best thing you can do is to be consistent so your body has the chance to adapt to the new changes. With some individuals these tips take time to show results but the wait is worth it.
Tip # 1
The number 1 fat burning tip is you need to make the necessary adjustments in your current diet. These adjustments can be brought about by lowering your total calories consumed and by putting your salt consumption in check. These excessive empty calories are converted into fat. Excessive sodium when combined with fat compels the body to retain water. Water retention and fat storage cause you to gain weight. Make sure to always check the sodium levels in the seasonings you use, as this can easily amount to weight gain in the body.
Tip # 2
This tip may sound simple but it is too good to be true. Fat burning is always about using more calories than the ones that are consumed. Next time you go grocery shopping hunt for those high calorie substitutes. Nowadays the lower calorie foods are readily available in the market. Let’s take butter as an example. If you love the taste of butter on your foods try substituting it with a butter spray. I can’t believe its not butter spray has almost zero calories but all of that great butter flavor that you love.
Tip # 3
The next fat burning tip most people are completely unaware of. You probably of heard that you shouldn’t eat before you go to bed. The problem is not eating before bed but that we consume so many calories at night and don’t allow are bodies to burn it off. The reason this happens is because we tend to skip meals and not eat enough calories during the day. Instead of worrying about eating before bed you need to worry about making sure you eat enough during the day. Eat 5-6 small meals a day with the last one being a light meal low in calories. You’ll be surprised to see the effects of this fat burning tip alone. Remember if you are eating a large meal and going straight to bed chances are you are going to store a lot of those calories as fat for fuel for the next day.
Tip # 4
We all know that we need to exercise. I hate to break it to you but if you want your body to go into a fat burning mode, you need to move more and burn some calories. To speed up fat burning you have to raise your metabolism. There are many exercises that are specifically designed for fat burning. With a combination of reduced calories and fat burning exercises you will quickly drop those unwanted pounds. An example of fat burning exercises would be interval training and weight lifting. Interval training is a method used by top athletes and bodybuilders to quickly shed the fat.
Weight lifting won’t just make you stronger and give you bigger muscles but the extra muscle mass will increase your metabolism helping you to burn more calories when you aren’t at the gym. A faster metabolism means you’re burning more calories which creates a fat burning environment and a slimmer you.
To sum it all up you need to watch your calories and combine that with a routine of solid fat burning exercises.
Niche Article Directory:
Darrin R. King, D.C. You can read weight loss program reviews at Fat Burning Weight Loss Programs or check out my blog for Fast Weight Loss Tips.
Healthy living with healthy eating habits
By: John Deacon
In today’s world of 2 minute instant noodles, there are lots of speculations about how to adopt the healthy eating habits to achieve those healthy families. A healthy eating plan is helpful to a great extent as it includes major calculations about the nutrients and ingredients that a human body needs.
One of the most important points of healthy living is never to skip breakfasts as they are the most significant part of a day’s meals and they are able to keep you going for the entire day. The other big thing to remember is not eating so many bigger meals. Instead, meals should be broken down into several smaller meals so that the body will be able to absorb the food in a better way. Many healthy families have reported that as a part of healthy lifestyles, they follow a regular time table for their meals and by having meals at the right time daily, they are able to keep themselves in perfect shapes.
When we talk about healthy food and healthy eating habits, the very first thing that comes to our mind includes fruits and vegetables. No doubt, they should be a mandatory part of a person’s diet without which, a proper nutritious diet is not possible at all. While looking for healthy eating foods, you should ensure that they are natural and organic as far as possible. You should try to avoid artificial and canned foods as far as possible and also make sure that you consume some cereals also for your breakfast. These are healthy foods to be eaten in the morning as they are able to provide enough energy to the person’s body. It is also better to eat green foods as much as possible as they are extremely rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber and vitamin C.
Some of the most popular healthy food items include Broccoli, wild salmon, grape tomatoes, milk and sweet potatoes. It is wise to make a list of which foods you should eat and which foods you should avoid so that it will become easier to understand which foods you should consume. The main type of food that should be avoided are fats and foods that contain too much of sugar. Healthy foods such as different types of nuts not only provide a lot of energy to the body but also a great deal of body strength.
People who believe in healthy lifestyle and healthy living are looking for ways through which they can prepare food at their own home. We all know the unhealthy ways of dealing with food in restaurants and unreliable quality of grains ground in grinding mills in the market. Several healthy cooking equipments are available in the market including juicers, flour and grain mills, blenders, sprouters and cookers so that you can prepare your own food with your own hands and eliminate any chances of adulteration and unhygienic methods of cooking.
All these healthy cooking equipments help the consumers to carry out all methods of cooking at their own home including sprouting, roasting, baking and blending and adopt a healthy lifestyle of living.
Niche Article Directory:,
Age gracefully
Age gracefully
By: Richard Haigh
"Oh, you are so young looking"; how we all like to hear that!
As well as maintaining a favourable physical appearance and ability, like walking or dancing, as well as looking young, it is equally important that we also maintain a strong monetary, social and mental wellness. However, this focus on the physical side to getting old should not stop us from remembering that there are 3 other keys to healthy aging.
What you should bThere are many things to think about with the financial side of retirement and it is important because the last thing you want to do is suffer financially later in life.
Social wellness and companionship is very important for healthy aging. Having friends and seeing other people is actually documented to keep us young and help us live longer. Volunteering, travelling or simply going out for a meal now and again helps tremendously.
You best be alert to your mental state because it is so important to you staying healthy as you get older. Do something with your brain on a daily basis, crosswords, sudoko, or whatever.
Studies have shown that a healthy diet can help slow down or even prevent many of the age-related conditions and diseases. Healthy aging is simply living a healthier life longer, so eat better now.
If you wish to stay young and healthy, you need to be active, eat the right food, drink water, sleep well and do not do the things that you know are bad for you like smoking and drinking to excess.
Further than that, there are some specific foods and drinks that can help decrease aging signs and increase your health.
You will need to have antioxidants in your diet to get fid of free radicals which are the forerunners of diseases like heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. The question is where do you find antioxidants? Aloe Vera and others are fruit and vegetables are packed full of them; try to eat five a day plus a dose of Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is especially interesting because of its effect: It makes vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants work better. The Aloe Vera makes the antioxidants more effective and this is due to its effect on enhancing blood quality and allowing the blood to a better transport mode of oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. In fact it is a widely held belief that Aloe Vera makes everything nutritious work better due to its blood-enhancing effects . If I'm right about that, it means aloe can influence anti-cancer herbs, too, helping them more effectively target tumours.
Aloe Vera actually contains advanced biochemical technology that the drug companies can only hope to understand someday. This technology was built by nature, and it's 100% compatible with the human body. All you have to do to experience this technology for yourself is drink Aloe Vera gel! ( see )
Nuts is the food to snack on because a great nutritional discovery of the 1990s was that nuts greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.
Drinking water is so important for good health. What you may you do may not know perhaps is, why you need water in order to be a healthy. Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs.
When you eat carbohydrates, make sure they come from whole grain sources. This will make sure that your body gets enough of the fibre it needs to maintain your bowel function and eliminate the toxins. Having at least 3 servings a day and eating your breakfast cereal that should includes whole grains, and also using whole wheat bread will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
Other foods that have anti-inflammatory properties and that should be included in your diet are: Yoghurt, salmon, trout, garlic, barley, onions, beans, nuts and hot peppers among others.
Niche Article Directory:
Before you buy product online,make sure you look at Aloe Vera product survey Aloe Vera Product Review, and Aloe Vera Drink
This and other unique content Aloe Vera articles are available with free reprint rights.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Informasi Herbal Tanaman Obat Indonesia
Adas; Adem Ati ; Ajeran ; Akar Manis ; Alang Alang ; Antanan (pegagan) ; Bangle ; Bawang Merah ; Bawang Putih (Garlic) ; Belimbing Wuluh ; Bidara Upas ; Brotowali ; Buah Makasar ; Buah Nona ; Bunga Matahari ; Buncis ; Cabe Jawa ; Daun Dewa ; Daun Duduk ; Daun Jintan ; Daun Sendok ; Delima ; Gendola ; Ginjean ; Greges Otot ; Jamblang ; Jambu Biji ; Jamur Kayu ; Jarak ; Jarong ; JAHE ; Jati Belanda ; Jeruk Nipis ; Jeruk Purut ; Jombang ; Keladi Tikus; Kencur ; Keji Beling ; Kelapa ; Kembang Sore ; Kumis Kucing ; Kunyit ; Lengkuas ; Lidah Buaya ; Mahkota Dewa ; Mengkudu {noni) ; Meniran ; Murbei ; P acar Cina ; Pasak Bumi ; Pare ; Pinang ; Pule Pandak ; Purwoceng ; Rumput Mutiara ; Salam ; Sambang Darah ; Sambiloto ; Sambung Nyawa ; Semangka ; Sidaguri ; Sirih; Sirih Merah; Sembung ; Tapak Dara ; Tapak Liman ; Tapak Kuda ; Temu Lawak ; Tempuyung ; Terong Belanda ; Waru ; Wijaya Kusuma ; Dan Lain -lain.
Jika anda punya artikel tentang resep tanaman obat silahkan kirim kan ke, semoga bermanfaat.
Teratai Tanaman Obat Indonesia
Sinonim :
= Nelumbiurn nuciferum, Gaertn. = N. speciosum, Wilid. = Nelumbo nucifera, Gaertn. = Nyrnphaea nelumbo, Linn.
Familia :
Uraian :
Tanaman Obat ini adalah tanaman air menahun yang indah, asli dari daratan Asia. Teratai dibudidayakan di perairan dan kolam, kadang ditemukan tumbuh liar di rawa-rawa. Tanaman air yang tumbuh tegak. Rimpang tebal bersisik, tumbuh menjalar. Daun dan bunga keluar langsung dari rimpangnya yang terikat pada lumpur di dasar kolam. Helaian daun lebar dan bulat, disangga oleh tangkai yang panjang dan bulat berdiameter 0,5-1 cm, panjangnya 75-150 cm. Daun menyembul ke atas permukaan air, menjulang tegak seperti perisai. Permukaan daun berlilin; warnanya hijau keputihan, tepi rata, bagian tengah agak mencekung, tulang daun tersebar dari pusat daun ke arah tepi, diameter 30-50 cm. Bunganya harum, tumbuh menjulang di atas permukaan air dengan tangkai bulat panjang dan kokoh, panjang tangkai bunga 75-200 cm. Diameter bunga 15-25 cm, benang sari banyak kepala sari kuning, mahkota bunga lebar, ada yang engkel dan ada yang dobel dengan warna merah jambu, putih dan kuning. Bunga mekar sehari penuh dari pagi sampai sore hari. Setelah layu, mahkota bunga berguguran sampai akhirnya tersisa dasar bunga yang akan menjadi bakal buah, bentuknya seperti kerucut terbalik dengan permukaan datar semacam spons dan berlubang-lubang berisi 15-30 biji, warnanya hijau kekuningan, kemudian hijau dan akhirnya coklat hitam, garis tengah 6-11 cm. Biji bentuknya bulat seperti kacang tanah, terdapat dalam lubang-lubang buah yang berbentuk seperti sarang tawon. Biji yang sudah tua warnanya hijau kehitaman, umurnya kira-kira 1 bulan sejak bunganya mekar. Daunnya biasa dipakai sebagai bahan pembungkus, rimpang muda dan biji bisa dimakan. Pemeluk agama Budha menganggap bunga ini sebagai lambang kesucian, tercermin dalam berbagai lukisan dan patung yang menggambarkan Sang Budha sedang duduk bersemedi di atas bunga teratai.
Nama Lokal :
Padma, seroia, terate, tarate, taratai besar.;
Bagaian tanaman yang di pakai sebagai obat:
Seluruh tanaman. Rimpang, daun dan tangkai, bunga dan benang sari, biji dan penyangga bunga yang seperti sarang tawon/spons (reseptacle), serta tunas biji. Pemakaian segar atau yang telah dikeringkan.
- Gangguan penyerapan makanan (malabsorbtion).
- Diare karena badan lernah, radang usus kronis (enteritis kronis).
- Muntah-muntah.
- Keputihan, perdarahan pada wanita.
- Mimpi basah (spermatorrhea).
- Susah tidur, banyak mimpi.
- Kencing terasa sakit dan keruh.
- lesu tidak bersemangat (neurasthenia).
- Kanker nasopharynx.
Tunas biji teratai:
- Demam, rasa haus.
- Jantung berdebar, gelisah.
- Muntah darah.
- Ejakulasi dini.
- Mata merah dan bengkak.
- Susah tidur (insomnia).
- Darah tinggi (hipertensi).
Banang sari:
- keluar sperma malam hari (sperrnatorrhea).
- Keputihan (leucorrhea).
- Perdarahan seperti muntah darah, disentri.
- sering kencing.
- Tidak dapat menahan kencing (enuresis).
- Perdarahan kandungan yang berlebihan.
- Darah haid berlebihan.
- Perdarahan sewaktu hamil.
- Keluar cairan (lochia) yang berlebihan setelah melahirkan.
- Sakit perut bawah akibat sumbatan darah.
- Berak darah, kencing darah.
- Wasir, koreng basah.
- Demam, rasa haus.
- Batuk darah, muntah darah, mimisan.
- Berak darah, kencing darah. Tekanan darah tinggi.
- Sakit jantung.
- Gangguan lambung.
- Kurang darah (anemia).
- Gangguan pada mati haid (menopause).
- Neurosis.
- Muntah darah, mimisan.
- Kencing panas dan merah.
- Batuk darah, berak darah.
- Pingsan karena hawa panas (heat stroke).
- Diare karena panas atau lembab.
- Pusing, sakit kepala.
- Beri-beri.
- Perdarahan seperti mimisan, muntah darah, berak darah.
- Perdarahan pada wanita.
Dasar daun:
- Disentri berdarah, diare.
- Bayi dalam kandungan tidak tenang.
- Heat stroke, pingsan.
- Dada terasa tertekan karena panas atau lembab.
- Diare, muntah.
- Keputihan.
- Terpukul (trauma).
- Perdarahan.
- Radang kulit bernanah (impetigo).
Tepung rimpang:
- Menambah selera makan,
- Badan lemah dan kurang darah.
- Diare.
Untuk minum:
Rimpang: 240 g. Direbus atau di juice.
Daun: 5-12 g, rebus.
Tangkai: 3-5 g, rebus.
Bunga. 3-5 g, rebus.
Benang sari: 3-10 g, rebus.
Receptacle: 10-15 g, rebus.
Biji: 5-12 g, rebus.
Tunas biji teratai: 1,5-3 g, rebus.
1. Batuk darah, muntah darah:
Rimpang teratai dicuci bersih lalu dijuice, sampai terkumpul 1 gelas
ukuran 200 cc. Minum, lakukan selama 3-5 hari berturut-turut.
2. Muntah, diare :
50 g rimpang teratai dan 15 g jahe dicuci lalu dijuice atau diparut,
ambil airnya. Minum, sehari 3 kali.
3. Disentri:
50 g rimpang teratai dan 10 g jahe, diparut atau dijuice. Air
perasannya ditambahkan 10O cc air, lalu dipanaskan sampai
mendidih. Setelah dingin tambahkan 1 sendok makan madu, diaduk
lalu diminum.
4. Darah tinggi:
a. 10 g biji teratai dan 15 g tunas biji teratai. (lien sim), direbus
dengan 350 cc air sampai tersisa 200 cc. Minum setiap hari
seperti teh.
b. Tunas biji teratai (lien sim) sebanyak 10-15 g direbus dengan air
secukupnya sampai mendidih, minum sebagai teh. Dapat juga
tunas biji teratai digiling halus, seduh dengan air panas, minum.
5. Panas dalam, gondokan, juga bermanfaat untuk penderita jantung
dan lever:
100 g rimpang teratai dan 50 g rimpang segar alang-alang, dicuci
lalu dipotong-potong secukupnya. Rebus dengan 500 cc air bersih
sampai tersisa 250 cc. Setelah dingin disaring, minum seperti teh.
6. Keluar darah dari hidung (mimisan):
Ruas akar teratai dicuci bersih lalu dijuice. Airnya diteteskan ke
Komposisi :
SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Biji: Memelihara kondisi jantung, bermanfaat bagi ginjal dan menguatkan limpa. Tunas biji teratai: Menghilangkan panas dalam di jantung, menurunkan panas, menghentikan perdarahan, menahan ejakulasi dini. Kulit biji teratai: Menghentikan perdarahan, Menghilangkan panas dalam di lambung, mengeluarkan panas dan lembab dari usus. Benangsari (kumis bunga teratai): Menghilangkan panas dari jantung, menguatkan fungsi ginjal, menahan ejakulasi dini dan menghentikan perdarahan. Penyangga bunga: Membuyarkan darah beku, menghentikan perdarahan, menolak lembab. Batang teratai (tangkai daun, tangkai bunga): Menurunkan panas dan memperlancar kencing. Daun: Membersihkan panas dan menghilangkan lembab, menaikkan yang jernih, menghentikan perdarahan. Dasar daun: Menurunkan panas dan menghilangkan lembab, menormalkan menstruasi, menguatkan kehamilan. Rimpang: Dimakan mentah berkhasiat menurunkan panas, mendinginkan darah yang panas dan membuyarkan darah beku. Bila dimasak, berkhasiat menguatkan limpa, menambah selera makan, penambah darah, membantu pertumbuhan otot dan menyembuhkan diare. Akar: Menghentikan perdarahan, membuyarkan darah beku, penenang. Tepung rimpang: Menghentikan perdarahan, menambah darah, mengatur fungsi ginjal dan limpa. KANDUNGAN KIMIA: Bunga: Quercetin, luteolin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol. Benangsari: Quercetin, luteolin, isoquercitrin, galuteolin, juga terdapat alkaloid. Penyangga bunga (reseptacle): Protein, lemak, karbohidrat, caroten, asam nikotinat, vitamin B1, B2, C dan sedikit mengandung nelumbine. Biji: Kaya akan pati, juga mengandung raffinose, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, phosphor dan besi. Kulit biji teratai mengandung nuciferine, oxoushinsunine, N- norarmepavine. Tunas biji teratai: Liensinine, isoliensinine, neferine, nuciferine, pronuciferine, lotusine, methylcorypalline, demethylcoclaurine, galuteolin, hyperin, rutin. Rimpang: Pati, protein, asparagine, vitamin C. Selain itu juga mengandung catechol, d-gallocatechol, neochlorogenic acid, leucocyanidin, leucodelphinidin, peroxidase, dll. Akar: Zat tannic dan asparagine. Daun: Roemerine, nuciferine, nornuciferine, armepavine, pronuciferine, N-nornuciferine, D-N-methylcoclaurine, anonaine, liriodenine, quercetin, isoquercitrin, nelumboside, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, zat tannic, dll. Dasar daun teratai: Roemerine, nuciferine dan nornuciferine. Tangkai daun: Roemerine, nornuciferine, resin dan zat tannic. Oxoushinsunine yang terdapat pada kulit biji teratai berkhasiat menekan perkembangan kanker hidung dan tenggorokan, sedangkan biji dan tangkai teratai berkhasiat anti hipertensi.